


美式发音: [ˈkoʊtʃi] 英式发音: [ˈkəutʃi]





1.高知 出云 IZUMO 高知 KOCHI 松山 MASUYAMA ...


4.柯枝 东北(福岛县)-耶麻郡- YAMA 四国-高知市- KOCHI 四国-松山市- MATSUYAMA ...

7.喀拉拉邦科钦表示,“正义火焰传递活动”将于7月6日以印度的南部喀拉拉邦科钦Kochi)、北部查谟-克什米尔邦拉达克首府列城(Leh) …


1.Dr Kochi also challenges the foundation's recent proclamation that the total eradication of malaria is a reapstic goal.高池博士对盖茨基金会最近宣称彻底根除疟疾是个现实的目标也提出质疑。

2.A spokesman for Dr Chan insists the charges attributed to Dr Kochi do not reflect her organisation's official views.陈冯博士的发言人强调高池博士的指责并不反映世卫组织的官方看法。

3.It is reported that in 1972, Japan Shikoku Kochi Kubota is the feeding of a rooster tail length of follow-up of 10. 6 meters.1972年据报道,日本四国岛高知县的久保田正饲的一只雄鸡的覆尾长度为10.6米。

4.Dr Kochi's outburst prompted some other critics of the Seattle-based charity to reiterate their own long-nursed complaints.高池博士的愤怒也激发了其他一些人对总部设在西雅图的这家慈善组织的批评,他们重申了自己一贯的抱怨。

5.According to Japanese broadcaster NHK reported, Kochi Shimanto City, an old man swept away by the river the afternoon of 19 missing.据日本广播协会报道,高知县四万十市一名老人19日下午被河水卷走失踪。

6.October 23 the same year he visited the Ehime, Kochi counties after the typhoon disaster wrote in a blog these feepngs.同年10月23日他视察了爱媛、高知两县的台风灾情后在博客中写下了上述感想。

7.Kochi less than great to know (32), small less than Danian years.小知不及大知(32),小年不及大年。

8.Doctor Kochi says there have been no documented cases yet where treatment failed because of resistance to artemisinin.Kochi博士称,目前还没有文件证明的因对青蒿素产生抗体导致疟疾治疗失败的案例。

9.We chased the "Kochi" , the nomads who passed through Kabul on their way to the mountains of the north.我们还追逐过路的游牧部落,他们经由喀布尔,前往北方的层峦叠嶂。

10.Indeed, Dr Kochi himself has been refreshingly frank about the WHO's poor record in fighting the disease.事实上,高池博士自己一直相当坦率地承认世卫组织在抗击疾病方面记录不佳。