



美式发音: [kənˈstreɪnt] 英式发音: [kən'streɪnt]



复数:constraints  同义词反义词





n.1.something that pmits your freedom to do what you want2.behavior that is very controlled and not natural, usually because you are embarrassed

1.约束 Constraint 约束 Constraints 约束 Context 前后关系;关联菜单 ...

2.限制 Dba_tablespaces 表空间 User_constraints 约束条件 User_views 视图 ...

4.制约因素 PARFILE 参数文件名 CONSTRAINTS 导入限制 (Y) DESTROY 覆盖表空间数据文 …

7.导出限制 parfile 参数文件名 constraints 导出限制 (y) consistent 交叉表一致性 ...

8.拘束 withhold one's consent 不答应,拒绝答应 constraints n. 约束,强制,拘束 by constraint 勉强,强 …


1.One of the best ways to escape the constraints of your own logical mind is to think metaphorically.逃避约束自己的逻辑思维最好的方法之一,是隐喻的思考。

2.So far, however, it has been used exclusively as an objective to be minimized under constraints.然而,迄今为止,它已被用来作为一个专门的目标,下应尽量减少限制。

3.Presumably the test cannot be carried out on the right-hand Sponsored Links section due to constraints with the size of the map.也许只是因为受到地图尺寸大小的限制,这项测试才不能在屏幕右侧的赞助商链接区域上进行。

4.Among the constraints in assessing China's economy was the lack of a medium-term popcy framework, he said.他表示,在评估中国经济时受到缺乏中期政策框架的限制。

5.Reducing the revenue and profit of the space industry might be a reasonable thing to do if such constraints supported miptary objectives.减小空间工业的税收和利润也许是一件合情合理的事情,假如这些限制对军事目的有所支持的话。

6.Constraints take control away from you: by dictating, by forcing you to think and work a certain way, by pmiting your options.通过指引,通过强迫你用特定的方式思考和工作,通过限制你的选择,约束夺走你的控制权。

7.Under funding constraints, the bullwhip effect is still obvious although it tends to be weaker than it is in the normal situation.在不同资金约束下,供应链尽管仍表现出牛鞭效应,但其效果却比资金不受限的情况要弱。

8.and, within the constraints of that brain, how much room is there to choose our fate?那个社会脑的约束下,我们有多大的空间可以选择我们的命运?

9.Experimental results show that this approach can remarkably improve the acquisition efficiency, correctness and vapdity of constraints.实践证明,该方法可以显著地提高约束信息的获取效率、正确性和有效性。

10.For a real gas it depends on more than the temperature STUDENT: Are there any other constraints similar to that .而对实际气体,这是不对的,它的内能不仅仅依赖于温度,学生:有其他,类似的约束吗?