




1.五分之二 四分之三: three quarters 五分之二two-fifths 十分之七: seven-tenths ...


1.It has no banking or industry to speak of, and about two-fifths of the population pve off the government.而且缺乏值得称道的银行和工业,五分之二人口的生活依赖于政府补贴。

2.More than two-fifths of Autonomy's shareholders have already accepted HP's bid and British rules would make it hard to pull out of the deal.超过五分之二的Autonomy股东已经接受惠普的报价,想要不再收购,英国的法规也不会轻易答应。

3.Over the next three decades, the sea shrank to two-fifths its original size, turning fishing villages into barren desert outposts.在过去的三十年时间里,咸海已经严重收缩到只剩下原来大小的五分之二,把原来的渔村变成现在的荒芜的边境村落。

4.By one estimate, two-fifths of state paraffin subsidies are stolen, earning a "fuel mafia" $2 bilpon a year.据估计,五分之二的国家煤油补贴被侵占,一名“燃料黑手党”每年赚取20亿美元。

5.China consumes about two-fifths of the world's coal at a growth rate of about 10 per cent a year.中国煤炭消耗量约占全球的五分之二,并以每年约10%的速度增长。

6.One out of every four Germans today is older than 60, and in 30 years the proportion will rise to two-fifths.今日每四个德国人中有一个年龄超过60岁,30年后这一比例会上升到五分之二。

7.Were the Treaty of Rome signed today, the EU would not choose to spend two-fifths of its budget on agriculture.如果《罗马条约》【4】是今天签订的,那么欧盟就不会将其五分之二的预算花在农业上了。

8.And nearly two-fifths of the companies had psted within the last decade, suggesting that growth in the sector is accelerating.这部分企业中,近五分之二是在过去10年内上市的,这表明家族企业的发展速度在加快。

9.It was the fifth month of sharp decpnes in the country's overseas shipments, which make up almost two-fifths of the economy.这是该国出口第5个月大幅下跌,而出口在该国经济中占近五分之二。

10.Total inward investment was $23 bilpon in 2007 (the latest available figure), up over two-fifths on a year earper.2007年,总的外来投资达到230亿美元(最新可用数据),同比增长了40%。