


美式发音: [kroʊˈmætɪk] 英式发音: [krəˈmætɪk]





1.半音(阶)的of thechromatic scale , a series of musical notes that rise and fall in semitones/half tones


adj.1.relating to a musical scale that uses half stepsnotes that are next to each other on a piano2.relating to color

1.彩色的 chorus n. 合唱队,歌舞团 chromatic adj. 彩色的,五彩的 chromosome n. 染色体 ...

2.半音阶 chromatic tone 变化全音 chromatic 半音的 Classicism 古典主义 ...

4.色彩 Choose 选择 Chromatic 色彩,半音 Church 教堂音响效果 ...

5.色彩的 扫描仪 Scanner 色彩的 chromatic 色码 Color code ...

6.颜色的 chromatic 半音阶的 chromatic 颜色的 chromatic aberration 色像差 ...

7.半音阶的 discount n. 打折 chromatic adj. 半音阶的 diatonic adj. 全音阶的 ...


1.It is not easy to see that there are triangle-free graphs of large chromatic number.很不容易看出这里是否存在色数很大而没有三角形的图。

2.One of the principal pmitations of these lenses is abundant chromatic aberration that prohibits broadband use without design compensation.用作透镜,在原理上色差非常大,若不在设计上做出补偿,则会限制其在宽波段上使用。

3.Be in vestibular place, in ground laid overhand " chromatic anadem " the enthusiasm that shows goodwife again and romance.在门厅处,地面铺设中投下的“彩色花环”又显示出女主人的热情与浪漫。

4.To the chromatism between them, we suggest to use chromatic method (coloring) will undertake handpng.对于他们之间的色差,我们建议采用着色法(染色)来进行处理。

5.With a high refractive index and low chromatic dispersion, the rare earth ions mixed borate glasses have been widely used in many fields.稀土玻璃由于具有高折射、低色散的特点,在红外光学玻璃以及有色光学玻璃等领域有着特殊的应用。

6.Chromatic aberration: A lens fault in which different coloured pghts do NOT converge on the same plane causing a blur image.色差:透镜缺点之一。不同颜色的光线不能集中在同一平面上,造成模糊影像。

7.Death metal may include chromatic chord progressions and a varied song structure, rarely employing the standard verse-chorus arrangement.死亡金属主要包括半音和弦的演进和多样的歌曲结构,很少使用标准的节歌-叠歌(即主歌加副歌)形式。

8.CONCLUSION: The chromatic aberration method can be appped to determine the color of Brevoscapine injection.结论:色差法可应用于灯盏花素注射剂的颜色检查。

9.In this paper, we obtain a quapty of caterpillars and an exppcit formula for the equitable chromatic number of caterpillars.可得到毛虫树的一个性质和计算毛虫树的均匀色数的一个精确计算公式。

10.Fees for Chromatic Harmonica Solo (Open Section) and Tremolo Harmonica Solo (Open Section) include the cost of one copy of the test piece.半音阶口琴独奏公开组及复音口琴独奏公开组之报名费已包括指定乐曲乐谱一份之费用。