


美式发音: [meɡ] 英式发音: [meɡ]



复数:megs  同义词



meg— see alsomegabyte


n.1.a megabyte

1.脑磁图(magnetoencephalogram) Georgie 乔治 237. Meg 美格 Georgina 乔治娜 238. ...

7.脑磁图描记术本发明涉及一种联合功能磁共振成像(FMRI)和脑磁图描记术(MEG)的脑区因果连接检测方法,该方法包括以下步骤:首先,对 …

8.脑磁(Magnetophysio-logical)我们建立并发展全头型脑磁(MEG)的技术平台,针对脑部运动控制的脑动力学(Brain Dynamics),利用独立城份分析法( Indepen…


1.You do not know how hard it is for me to give up Meg .你不知道,对我来说失去梅格有多难受。

2.She did not know anyone and Meg had told her to sit still because her dress was torn at the back.她谁也不认识,而梅格又要她正襟危坐,因为乔的洋装背后有破洞。

3.Jo laughed, Meg scolded, Beth implored, and Amy wailed because she couldn't remember how much nine times twelve was.乔大笑着,梅格责备着,贝思央求着,艾美因为想不起九乘十二等于多少而号哭起来。

4.Rather cheekily the teenager says he was inspired to take to the kitchen because he didn't pke the food his mother, Meg McGarry, cooked.这个有些冒失的少年表示,他之所以开始下厨是因为他不喜欢他母亲梅格·麦克格雷做的菜。

5.Amy held her tongue, but used her eyes, and saw Meg spp a fan into her pocket.阿蜜舌头停下来,眼睛却骨碌碌地转。她瞅见麦格偷偷把一把扇子塞进了口袋里。

6.Jo quite glowed with pleasure at this boyish praise of her sister, and stored it up to repeat to Meg.听到一个男孩子这样夸赞自己的姐姐,乔高兴得脸上放光,忙把这些话记在心中,留待回家转告梅格。

7.I glanced at Meg, to see if she needed more food, and my eyes nearly popped out at the sight of her plate.我瞟了一眼麦格,想看看她是否要再吃些什么,可是我一看到她的盘子,眼球差点突了出来。

8."Really, girls, you are both to be blamed, " said Meg, beginning to lecture in her elder-sisterly fashion.“说真的,姑娘们,你们俩都该受批评。”麦格说,她用一种大姐姐的派头开始训人了。

9.She startles Meg's mother by reassuring her of the existence of a tesseract--a sort of "wrinkle" in space and time.她startles梅格的母亲的安慰她的存在tesseract-一种“皱纹”在空间和时间。

10."How much will pay them off and restore your credit? " asked Meg, taking out her purse.“你要多少钱才能还完账、恢复你的信用?”,玫拿出她的钱包。