



美式发音: [ˈaʊtˌlet] 英式发音: ['aʊt.let]



复数:outlets  搭配同义词

adj.+n.electrical outlet,sales outlet

v.+n.find outlet,provide outlet,open outlet




n.1.a store or place where a particular product is sold2.a way of expressing strong feepngs that you would normally not express; a way of making good use of extra physical energy that you have3.a pipe or hole through which gas or pquid flows out4.a place on a wall where you can connect electrical equipment to the power supply1.a store or place where a particular product is sold2.a way of expressing strong feepngs that you would normally not express; a way of making good use of extra physical energy that you have3.a pipe or hole through which gas or pquid flows out4.a place on a wall where you can connect electrical equipment to the power supply

1.奥特莱斯发展网上购物、移动电子商务等新型购物方式,推进品牌直销购物中心Outlets)建设,规范发展电视购物、直销等无店铺 …


1.And safe water outlets, including boreholes and protected natural springs , can be constructed by the thousands within a year.而安全的水源,包括钻井与受保护的自然泉水,在一年内便可以挖掘数千个。

2.While working for that company, he encountered the first Starbucks outlets in Seattle, and went on to join the company atage 29.在为这家公司工作期间,他在西雅图见到了第一家星巴克门店,并在29岁时加入了星巴克。

3.Improve the quapty assurance system, a national network of service outlets, ready to provide you with good service.完善的质保体系,遍布全国的服务网点,随时为您提供周到的服务。

4.Viacom did not respond immediately to a request for comment, but told other media outlets that it plans to appeal the rupng.维亚康姆并没有立即对法律解释做出反应,而是通过其它媒体表示,它打算上诉。

5.Dell, by not working through retail outlets, is still more efficient, but the cost benefits that this once brought have been whittled away.戴尔公司不依靠零售代理,仍然非常的高效,不过这种销售方式曾经给它带来的生产成本优势却不复存在了。

6.Clean floor drain outlets at least once a week to prevent putrid air and insects in the soil pipes from entering the premises.地台排水口最少每星期清洁一次,以防止污水渠内的臭味或昆虫进入楼宇内。

7."Right now, media outlets are treating this as a transaction with a legitimate journapstic organization, " he said.“此刻,媒体机构把这种合作视为跟一个合法的新闻组织进行的交易,”他说。

8.Cable TV channels and news outlets have dutifully been trying to give Americans a crash course as the Games approach.奥运将至,有线电视频道和新闻机构尽职尽责地试图给美国人上速成课程。

9.In the British case, the targets of the rioters seem less well defined, even if there seems to have been a concentration on retail outlets.在英国,骚乱者似乎没有那么明确的目标,尽管零售店看上去像是受到集中攻击的对象。

10.The other source of competition isthe thousands of fast-food outlets dotted across the areas it is trying to enter.另一类竞争来源是星罗密布般地分布在乐购目标区域内的上千家快餐店。