




1.图形界面的 ... 7.4.2 命令行界面的 Metasploit 7.4.3 图形界面的 Metasploit 8.5.2 利用 TFTP ...

2.命令行界面的 ... 4.1.3 获取 Cookie 7.4.2 命令行界面的 Metasploit 7.4.3 图形界面的 Metasploit ...

3.工具 Kioptrix Level1 电脑 Metasploit 工具 Nmap、Netcat、Hping3 工具 ...


1.This section provides an overview of what the Metasploit Framework does for users trying to discover vulnerabipties.这个部分简要介绍MetasploitFramework对于试图发现漏洞的用户有什么用。

2.Currently, Metasploit runs on most of the Nix-based systems as well as on some of the other common operating systems in use.当前,Metasploit在大多数基于Nix的系统上运行,也用于一些常用操作系统。

3.This article provided a high-level introduction to using Metasploit to provide a generic overview of your system's vulnerabipties.本文介绍了如何使用Metasploit来提供对系统漏洞的概览。

4.Visit the Metasploit site for more information about the tool as well as tutorials and other resources.访问Metasploit站点获取关于这个工具的更多信息以及教程和其他资源。

5.As of this writing, the stable version of Metasploit is Version 3. 1.本文撰写之时,Metasploit的稳定版本是Version3.

6.First, let's look at the process of running Metasploit.首先,让我们看看运行Metasploit的过程。

7.To use Metasploit to run an exploit, perform the following steps要使用Metasploit运行一个攻击,执行以下步骤