




1.入职管理多招聘主管认为员工入职就万事大吉了,却很少关注人员入职后的适职过程管理(onboarding),而这是人员流失的一个重要原 …

3.人员入职 ... Personnel Recruitment 人员招聘 Onboarding 人员入职 Manage HR files 人事档案管理 ...

4.上任 ... 卓越中心 Center of excellence 上任 Onboarding 这样的创新经验,以及“带走30( Take 30) ...


1.Onboarding process with a dedicated strategy and set of objectives is important to performance optimization.上岗计划过程伴随着专注的策略及目标的设定对性能优化具有重要性。

2.Defined, standardized processes for onboarding participants were in place.我们还定义并标准化了参与者培训流程。

3."Effective onboarding is essential, especially for the overquapfied, " says Erdogan.“有效的管理非常的重要,特别是对那些资历超高的人”额埃尔多安说。

4.Recruiting, New Hire OnBoarding, Employee Exiting ?人力资源?招聘、新员工入职、员工离职

5.When you start a new job, you'll probably have some type of formal orientation program, also known as onboarding.当你开始一个新工作的时候,你可能要接受某种正式的入职教育。

6.Brendan emphasized the importance of training and practice in all areas - employee onboarding, management practices, etc.布兰登突出强调了训练和实践的重要性,涵盖了所有领域——新员工入职、管理实务等。

7.In the onboarding package you will receive information on how to connect to the VLAN using a VPN connection.在新包中,您将收到有关如何使用VPN连接连接到VLAN的信息。

8.Some employers simply can't afford a long onboarding or hiring mistake, simple as that.有些雇主根本就承受不起一个长期“上岗过程”或者招聘失误。