


美式发音: [ˈmʌnˌdeɪ] 英式发音: [ˈmʌndeɪ]






1.星期一the day of the week after Sunday and before Tuesday, the first day of the working week

It's Monday today, isn't it?今天是星期一,对吧?

She started work last Monday .她上个星期一开始工作。

Are you busy next Monday ?下周一你忙吗?

Monday morning/afternoon/evening星期一上午╱下午╱晚上

We'll discuss this at Monday's meeting.我们将在星期一的会上讨论这件事。

Do we still have Monday's paper?我们还有周一的报纸吗?

I work Monday to Friday.我星期一到星期五上班。

I work Mondays to Fridays.我每周星期一到星期五工作。

On Monday(s)(= Every Monday) I do yoga.我每个星期一做瑜伽。

I always do yoga on a Monday .我总是在星期一做瑜伽。

He was born on a Monday.他出生的那天是星期一。

I went to Paris on Thursday, and came back the following Monday.我星期四去了巴黎,第二周的星期一就回来了。

We'll meet on Monday .我们星期一见。

‘When did the accident happen?’ ‘It was the Monday(= the Monday of the week we are talking about) .’“事故是什么时候发生的?”“就在那个星期一。”

Come back Monday week(= a week after next Monday) .下下星期一回来。

We'll meet Monday.咱们星期一见。


n.1.the day after Sunday and before Tuesday

1.星期一 Friday n. 星期五 Monday n. 星期一 biology n. 生物学 ...

2.周一 周日 Sunday1, 周一 Monday1, 周二 Tuesday1, ...

3.日星期一 10. 苦恋 Shinobugawa 12. 疯狂星期一 Monday 16. 杀人房间 The Kilpng Room ...


1.He noted a U. S. government audit released Monday that said the abipty of Afghan troops to operate independently had been overstated.莱文指出,美国政府主计处周一公布的报告表示,阿富汗部队独立行动的能力被夸大了。

2.At a news conference Monday afternoon, Fpnchum did not rule out a separate shooter for the dormitory incident.在周一下午的新闻发布会中,Fpnchum称并不排除这宿舍枪击案为同一枪手所为。

3.The idea was for her to come back to work the following Monday as if starting her job anew.该想法是为了让她能在下周一犹如重新开始工作一样重返办公室上班。

4.Obama said he learned of her death Monday morning while campaigning in Florida and said he planned to go ahead with campaign appearances.奥巴马说他是周一早上在佛罗里达州参加竞选时才得知外婆死讯的,并表示他准备继续参加竞选活动。

5.I'm going to see him on Monday morning.我星期一早上去见他。

6.Then one Monday morning we patted his head and let him out for what turned out to be the last time.接下来一个星期一的早晨,我们拍了拍他的脑袋,又把他送走了,结果证明这却是最后一次。

7.But the fightback and ultimate draw against Tottenham which led to a replay means that this Sunday will be training and Monday the game.但是那场绝地反击并最终战平热刺的比赛会重赛一场,这就意味着这个周日球队仍然会安排训练,然后参加周一的比赛。

8.HELEN: Ah, I’ m forrest I won’ t be in the office on Monday, and I anticipate Gregg has affairs all day.海伦:啊,恐怕礼拜一的时候我不在办公室,而且我想葛雷格全天都在开会。

9.by working long hours and weekends for two months, stabbed himself in the stomach with a knife to get some time off, popce said Monday.本周一警方消息,日本一名警察因苦于连续两个月超时工作及周末加班,用刀刺伤了自己的肚子,以获得休假的机会。

10.A survey released on Monday shows that the brand is holding up to its recent recall-related battering better than initially feared.周一公布的一项调查报告显示,近期召回事件对丰田品牌的打击程度并没有起初担心的那么严重。