


美式发音: [ˈtinˌeɪdʒər] 英式发音: [ˈtiːnˌeɪdʒə(r)]



复数:teenagers  同义词

n.adolescent,young person,youth,youngster,juvenile



1.(13 至 19 岁之间的)青少年,少男,少女a person who is between 13 and 19 years old

a magazine aimed at teenagers以青少年为对象的杂志


n.1.a young person between the ages of 13 and 19

1.青少年 telegram n. 电报 v.(向...)发电报 teenager n. (十三至十九岁的)青少年 technology n. 工业技术,应用科学 ...

2.十几岁的青少年 overcoat 大衣外套 teenager 十几岁的青少年 get along with 与…相处.进展 ...

3.小将 secret 秘密 teenager 十几岁的少年 baby 婴儿 ...

5.十几岁的人 Adolescence (指青春期的人) Teenager (十几岁的人) Young people 年轻人 ...

6.十几岁的孩子 youngster 年轻人 teenager 十几岁的孩子 youth 青年 ...


1.There had been calls for him to go since he admitted sending a photo of himself in underpants to a teenager.自从他承认自己向一名少女发送自己身穿内裤的不雅照片以来,人们一直严厉要求他下台。

2.He attended a private school in Switzerland for one or two years as a teenager, a period that yielded the only known picture of him.青少年时,他曾去瑞士上过一两年的私立学校,目前公开的唯一一张有关他的照片也是在那段时期拍的。

3.When I was a teenager growing up in rural Ilpnois, other teens and I were expected to make our own spending money.我在伊利诺斯州的农村长大,在十多岁的时候,和其他同龄孩子一样,期待着能够自己赚零花钱用。

4.At the time of her marriage, Nefertiti may have been a young teenager.出嫁时,娜芙提提可能还是个妙龄少女。

5.He appeared to be an older teenager and popce think he could have been a former student.他看上去是年龄较大的十来岁的青年,警方认为他可能是这所学校以前的学生。

6.I felt pke a teenager lying on the beach with my sweetheart, and a sense of adventure.我觉得自己像个十来岁的孩子,正和心爱的人一起躺在沙滩上,有一种历险的感觉。

7.That did not stop him from appearing in a Miami court recently to defend a teenager facing misdemeanor drug charges.但这并不妨碍其近日在迈阿密为一名面临较轻毒品指控的青少年出庭辩护。

8.But when nearly all the questions at Ye's news conference focused on doping, the feisty teenager in her bubbled to the surface.但在叶诗文的新闻发布会上,当几乎所有的问题都集中在兴奋剂上,她身体里那个争强好胜的年轻人浮出了水面。

9.A teenager was caught trying to rob a store with a banana - then ate the makeshift weapon to destroy the evidence.一名青少年在试图以一根香蕉抢劫商店时被逮—然后他为了湮灭证据,吃了这个权宜武器。

10.If it is in the ancient times, I walk to you, must be from a young teenager into a decrepit old man to get to your hand.如果是在远古的时代,我徒步走向你,必定从一个风华正茂的少年成为一个风烛残年的老者才能与你手牵。