



美式发音: [dɪˈdʌkt] 英式发音: [dɪ'dʌkt]



第三人称单数:deducts  现在分词:deducting  过去式:deducted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.deduct premium,deduct item


v.subtract,take away,take,remove,abstract



v.1.to take an amount or number from a total

1.扣除 084.format 版式/开本 085.deducted 扣除 086网址被屏蔽mission 佣金 ...

2.扣掉 ... 133.QUOTE 134.FEE 引用 手续费 135.EQUIVALENT 136.DEDUCTED 相等的 137.PROCEEDS 138.DISCREP…

4.已扣减 Sold 已销售 Deducted 已扣减 On order 已订购 ...

5.乞请即是即是您的入款扣掉)的刻期和要求, 您起首存入得到的盈利没有蕴涵在内此将有效。而咱们只可答应$90 为您的支款乞请即是即是您的入款扣掉(D


1.The statutory royalty calculation may allow the transportation costs from the point of valuation to the point of sale to be deducted.法定的矿区使用费计算方法允许扣减从估价点到销售点的运输费用。

2.A tax is charged on each job in the company and deducted automatically from the bank account at the end of each month.公司里每个员工都得缴税,每月月底税款自动从银行账户扣除。

3.Now all the phenomena may be interpreted by the concept of energy, every part theory may all be deducted logically by the concept of energy.目前的所有现象都可用能量概念比较完备地理解,学科中各领域的局部理论都可用能量概念在逻辑上演绎。

4.The fees paid by a judicial trustee may be deducted out of the income of the trust property unless the court otherwise directs.除非法院另有指示,否则由司法受托人缴付的费用,可从信托财产的收益中扣除。

5.For intangible assets with an impairment provision, the accumulative amount of impairment provision shall be deducted from the cost as well.已计提减值准备的无形资产,还应扣除已计提的无形资产减值准备累计金额。

6.In 1942 in an appeal to which H was a party, the Court of Appeal held that in the circumstances of the case income tax must be deducted.1942年,在H作为当事人一方的上诉中,上诉法院认为在这个案件的情况下所得税必须被扣除。

7.Japanese accounting rules require that any loss existing at the end of the quarter must be deducted from the bank's capital base.根据日本会计规则,每个季度末发生的损失都须从银行的资本金中扣除。

8.A man was shocked to discover that his firm had deducted 45 yuan from his salary for a box of 300 yuan mooncakes it had given him.一位男士吃惊地发现公司从发给自己的一盒价值300元的月饼里面扣了税,导致他的薪水被扣45元。

9.total discount will be deducted from the value of any returned item to which the discount appped.总折扣从折扣适用任一个返回的项目的价值将被扣除。

10.The price may not be cheap, if you let the ball damage it, deducted money from yours wages compensates.价钱可不便宜,你要是让球把它撞坏了,就得从你的工资里扣钱赔。