


美式发音: [ˈnɪkəˌtin] 英式发音: [ˈnɪkətiːn]





1.尼古丁;烟碱a poisonous substance in tobacco that people become addicted to, so that it is difficult to stop smoking


n.1.the drug in tobacco that makes people addicted

1.尼古丁 语源 French 菸硷,烟硷,尼古丁 nicotine 尼古丁, 烟碱 nicotine ...

5.菸硷 苦木( Quassia) 菸硷或尼古丁( Nicotine) 鱼藤精( Rotenone) ...

7.尼古丁烟碱什么是尼古丁烟碱(Nicotine),俗名尼古丁,是一种存在于茄科植物(茄属)中的生物碱,成油质液体,难闻、味苦、无色透明, …


1.These results raise the question of how the nicotine from a single cigarette could alter the brain enough to trigger the onset of addiction.这些结果点出一个问题,光靠一根香菸的尼古丁,如何能让大脑改变到产生成瘾性。

2.But, if he could get rid of that constant nicotine stimulation, things would be easier for me.但是,如果他能取消尼古丁的不断刺激,我就会轻松多了。

3.The amount of nicotine in these nicotine substitutes can be enough to excite the heart.这些尼古丁替代品中的烟碱含量足以刺激心脏。

4.Today, I learned that while my mom was pregnant with me, she craved cigarettes so much that she named me Nicky after "nicotine. " FML.今天,我才知道老妈怀着我的时候,因为太想抽烟,所以以“尼古丁”来给我命名为尼基。

5.The rapid onset of these symptoms in the absence of daily smoking contradicted most of what I thought I knew about nicotine addiction.无需每天抽菸就能迅速出现戒断症状,与我自以为知道的尼古丁成瘾性有诸多矛盾之处。

6.asks one university student. With nerves jangled from years of upheaval, nicotine is often the first and only comfort.事实上,在这些年的动荡不安中,尼古丁一直是人们首选的也是唯一的精神慰藉。

7.I received the 50 ml of 99% pure pquid nicotine shipment from China today. I'm repeved to see that there were no comppcations whatsoever.我今天从中国收到了50ml99%的纯尼古丁,一点也不麻烦。

8.The gene affected seems to make a protein that acts as a "receptor" or docking point for nicotine in the brain.受影响的基因似乎会产生一种蛋白质,在大脑中发挥尼古丁“受体”或停靠点的作用。

9.The doctors said the president used medication to try toease the pangs, they described it as "nicotine replacement therapy, self-use" .医生们称总统尝试用过药物缓解他的烟瘾,并描述那是一种“个人适用的尼古丁置换疗法”。

10.Flue-curing takes about a week and fixes the natural sugar of the leaf, which has a high sugar and a medium-to-high nicotine content.熏烟需要约一个星期并且保证烟叶中的自然糖分,这种烟含糖量高,并含中高量的烟碱。