

water rat

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water.rat— see alsowater vole


n.1.a large amphibious rat with broad paddle-shaped hind feet for swimming.2.a criminal, loafer, or hoopgan who often frequents waterfront areas

1.河鼠 water purifier 滤水器 water rat 河鼠 water rate 水费 ...

2.水鼠 ... Walrus 海象 Water Rat 水老鼠 Weasel,Mountain 黄鼠狼 (伶鼬),山地 ...

4.麝香鼠 warehouses infested with rats 老鼠横行的仓库 water rat {n.}河鼠[动],麝香鼠 water-deprived rat [医]禁止饮水的大鼠 ...

5.看来很恶心 elephantnose fish 象鼻鱼 water rat看来很恶心 electrical eel 电鳗 ...


1.said the Water Rat severely. 'You know it isn't time to be thinking of winter quarters yet, by a long way! '河鼠绷着脸说。“你们该懂得,现在还不是考虑过冬住所的时候,早着呐!”

2.'What sort of games are you up to? ' said the Water Rat severely.“你们在玩什么游戏呀?”河鼠绷着脸说。

3.It had been a fine spring day when the Water Rat hab taken Mole for his first row on the river.一个明丽的春日,水鼠带鼹鼠到河上划船。这是鼹鼠第一次坐船。

4.'I suppose you go great voyages, ' said the Water Rat with growing interest.“我想,你一定常去远洋航行吧?”河鼠来了兴趣。

5.The Toad retraced his weary way on foot, and related his disappointing experiences to the Water Rat once more.蟾蜍没精打采地走着回去,又一次把这令人失望的经历告诉河鼠。

6.'What are we to do with him? ' asked the Mole of the Water Rat.“咱们拿他怎么办?”鼹鼠问河鼠。

7.and the Water Rat, paralysed and staring, saw at last but a distant speck on the white surface of the road.河鼠楞愣地瘫在那儿,最后只见白色的路面上,远处一个小点。

8.'That is indeed an excellent suggestion, ' said the Water Rat, and hurried off home.“这是个好主意。”河鼠说,急忙跑回家去。

9."But what became of the Miller? " asked the Water-rat.“但是那个磨坊主怎么样了?”水鼠问。

10.'Couldn't you stop on for just this year? ' suggested the Water Rat, wistfully.“今年你们能不能留下不走,就呆一年行不行?”河鼠巴巴地向他们建议。