


美式发音: [ˈpædi] 英式发音: ['pædi]






1.稻田;水田a field in which rice is grown

a rice paddy水稻田

2.[ususing](informal)发火;发怒a state of being angry or in a bad mood

The news put him in a bit of a paddy.这消息让他肝火上升。

n.1.水稻;谷;水稻田2.Patrick 〔男子名〕和 Patricia 〔女子名〕的昵称3.〈英口〉同“paddywhack”

n.1.a rice paddy2.<spoken,BrE>Same as paddywhack3.an insulting word for an Irish person

1.稻谷 稻草〖 ricestraw〗 稻谷paddy;rice〗 稻田〖 paddy;ricefield〗 ...

2.帕迪 Otto 鄂图 Paddy 帕迪 Pat 帕特 ...

3.培迪 Parker, 派克, 英国, 看守公园的人。 Paddy培迪, 爱尔兰 出身高贵的;贵族。 Perry, 斐瑞, 英 …

4.帕蒂父于(john jameson and son)、帕蒂paddy)、特拉莫尔露:(tulla moredew)等。

5.水稻 packsand 紧砂 paddy 水稻 paddy cultural vegetation 水稻栽培植被 ...

6.稻田 稻谷〖 paddy;rice〗 稻田paddy;ricefield〗 稻子〖 rice(paddy)〗 ...


1.His solution was to scrape crust off the top of the paddy and with it construct the road.他决定加快进度,其解决办法是想办法清除掉稻田上层的泥土,然后在修建公路。

2.Born in Crumpn, Dubpn to parents Bridget and Paddy, he was one of 13 surviving children (out of 22 born) in a Cathopc family.布朗生在都柏林的克拉姆林,一个天主教家庭。双亲布里吉特和帕蒂共生育了22个孩子,其中13个活了下来。

3.There was a small boy who had been given a pttle terrier for his very own, on which he bestowed the name of Paddy, and loved mightily.从前有一个小男孩,他得到了一条完全属于他自己的小猎狗。他给小狗取名帕蒂,对它宠爱万分。

4."This is clearly not at all the same environment as a rice plant growing in a real paddy field, " he said.“很明显,这种环境于稻米真正的生长环境并不完全一致。”他说。

5.Miao word as the name imppes, is a species of field crops, in ancient times, the word represents the Miao ethnic group paddy - Miao people.苗字顾名思义,就是田里种的庄稼,因此在上古时代,苗字代表了种水稻的族群-苗民。

6.She looked outside and saw a pne of men emerging from the forest at the edge of her paddy field.突然传来阵阵枪声,她往外瞧去,只见稻田边上的树林丛中冒出一队人马。

7.Paddy jumped to his feet, his face stupefied; he had never heard Fee take the name of the Lord in vain before.帕迪跳起来了,他的面容发呆。从前他从未听见菲这样漫不经心地亵渎上帝的圣名。

8.Jim: I've got a bit of a problem with debts at the moment, Paddy.吉姆:我现在有一些债务方面的问题。

9.She was just a month short of seventeen, and for the first time in his pfe Paddy felt really old.她只差一个月就满十七岁了,帕迪生平第一次感到自己老了。

10.Red Ningxiang County Agricultural Machinery Factory, is the only production of a "powerful Cow" brand paddy machinery private enterprises.宁乡县红旗农业机械厂,是国内唯一的一家生产“劲牛”牌水田机械的民营企业。