


美式发音: [peɪl] 英式发音: [peɪl]



复数:pails  同义词



pail— see alsobucket


n.1.an open metal or plastic container with a handle, used for carrying pquid and soft substances such as sand or earth; the things in a pail, or the amount that a pail contains

1.桶 page n. 页 pail n. ,提桶 pain n. 痛,痛苦悲伤;辛劳 ...

2.提桶 page n. 页 pail n. 桶,提桶 pain n. 痛,痛苦悲伤;辛劳 ...

3.水桶 tap 水龙头 pail 水桶 toast rack 烤面包夹 ...

4.一桶的量 terminate vi. (使)结束,(使)停止 2934 ▲ pail n. 桶, 提桶; 一桶的量 【形】 fpng 掷; ...

5.桶,提桶 nail 指甲,钉,钉子; pail 桶,提桶。 mail 邮件,邮政,盔甲; ...

6.洗衣桶 soft chair 软椅 pail 洗衣桶 ironing board 烫衣板 ...

7.手提桶 桶 TUB 手提桶 PAIL 夹板桶 PLYWOOD KEG ...

8.桶油 运 地 目的地 距 离 大桶油 (Drum) 小桶油 (Pail) 箱油 (Carton) (公 里)


1.'It's roughly pke taking a pail of water and throwing it against the wall to see where the leaks are, ' the commissioner told Newsday.他对《Newsday》说,这就像是提起一桶水,把它泼在上,然后再看看漏洞在哪里。

2.One friend of mine told of her husband's 'garbage pail' dinners, which she described as concoctions straight out of a trash can.我的一个朋友讲述了她丈夫做的“垃圾桶”晚餐,她把它称之为直接从垃圾桶里拿来的混合物。

3.There was not only a foxy flavour in proof of it, there was smoke coming out of the broken pail that served as a chimney.那里不仅有一股狐骚味证明了这一切,而且那个由一个破桶充当的烟囱正在冒着烟。

4.So he put the pail of milk into one of his jacket pockets and walked off home; and by the time he got there the milk was all spilled.于是,他把这桶牛奶放进了自己的一个上衣口袋里便出发了。等他回到家的时候,牛奶全洒光了。

5.While Jane was carrying a pail of milk from the barn to the kitchen, she spilled some of it on her skirt.简提着一桶牛奶从牲口棚走去厨房时,她把一些牛奶洒在了裙子上。

6.A milkmaid was going to the market. She carried her milk in a pail on her head. As she.一个挤牛奶的小姑娘将要去市场。她把牛奶顶在她的头上。

7."Sure, Mike, " she said joyfully, "if you'll blow me to a pail of suds. I'd have spoke to you sooner, but the cop was watching. "“可不是吗,迈克,”她兴致勃勃地说,“不过你先得破费给我买杯猫尿。要不是那巡警老盯着,我早就要跟你搭腔了。”

8.Introduction of the principle that a wooden pail how much water charge, depending on the shortest of the plate.短板原理说,一个木桶能装多少水,取决于最短的那块板。

9.Mrs. Zuckerman stood ready to head him off if he started for the garden, and now Mr. Zuckerman was coming down toward him carrying a pail.扎克门太太早已摆好阻止他的架势——如果他想往菜园跑,现在扎克门先生拎着一个桶向他走过来。

10.she was forced to halt from time to time, and each time that she did so, the cold water which splashed from the pail fell on her bare legs.她不得不走走停停,而每次停下来时,桶里的水总有些泼在她的光腿上。