




1.在树下 on the blackboard 在黑板上 under the tree 在树下 under the chair 在椅子下 ...

2.把某物放在树下 109.come on 跟(某人)来 快点、加油 110.put sth. under the tree 把某物放在树下 112.come off 脱离 …

3.在树底下 浇花 water the flowers 在树底下 under the tree 种树 plant the trees ...

4.峇里生之舞 under the bed 在床下面 under the tree 在树下面 My shoes are under the bed. 我的鞋在床下面。 ...

6.大树下 《A Story 小故事》等等。 《Under the tree 大树下》、 《I miss you 思念 …

7.幸福树下 ... V字宣言( Initial V) 幸福树下( Under The Tree) * 乐风流( Liberal Music) ...


1.The gifts arrived in a timely fashion at my front door, already wrapped and ready to place under the tree.这些礼物准时送到我家门前,并且都已经包装好,直接就可以放在圣诞树下面。

2.As they got down the stairs Becky and her parents were pleased to see that there were lots of presents under the tree for them.来到楼下,贝基和爸爸妈妈看到圣诞树下有那么多给他们的礼物,他们高兴极了。

3.Although gifts are placed under the tree on Christmas Eve for the children, parents and adults do not exchange theirs until New Year's Day.虽然,父母或家里的其他大人在圣诞节前夜把给小孩的礼物放在圣诞树下,但是直到新年他们才能互换礼物。

4.When the children came into the garden on that afternoon, they found the giant lying dead under the tree, covered with white flowers.那天下午,当孩子们跑进花园的时候,他们看见巨人静静地躺在那棵树下,已经死了,满身覆盖着白花。

5.Story-telpng that old grandmother, a few stars of the children, but also seems to be under the tree will never change the landscape.那讲故事的老祖母,数星星的孩子,也似乎是老树下永远不变的风景。

6.So he took butter and milk and the calf which he had prepared, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree as they ate.亚伯拉罕又取了奶油和奶,并预备好的牛犊来,摆在他们面前,自己在树下站在旁边,他们就吃了。

7.Did not expect the next day woke up, he found a small bell placed on the intact under the tree.没想到第二天醒来,他发现小铃铛就完好无损地摆在圣诞树下。

8.The gifts arrived in timely, fashion at my front door - already wrapped and ready to place under the tree.这些礼物准时送到我家前门,都很时尚,并且已经包装好,准备放在圣诞树下面了。

9.So, as it was a nice sunny day, he carried her baby in its basket outside, but it on the table under the tree and went back inside.因为阳光很好,她把她摇篮中的孩子抱到外面,放在树下的桌子上,她自己又回到了屋里面。

10.Like the time I was thirteen and had my first date, when Mother brought me to this spot under the tree and told me about the facts of pfe.比如,有时我十三岁了我的第一次约会,当妈妈带我到这个地方在树下,并告诉我事实,生活有关。