




1.水星 ... Planet mars 火星 Planet Mercury 水星 Planet Neptune 海王星 ...


1.The planet Mercury is often cited as the most difficult of the five brightest naked-eye planets to see.水星往往被认为是五颗肉眼能看见最为明亮的星球中最难见的星球。

2.Look for a thin sunpt spver close to the western horizon, not far from bright planet Mercury.在西面的地平线,离明亮的水星不远处,那个被阳光照射的细小身躯便是月亮。

3.Now that your rupng planet Mercury is moving forward again, you may be expected to follow up on some promises that you made recently.现在你的守护星水星已经恢复顺行,你也许想把最近做的一些承诺兑现。

4.The planet Mercury, which rules Gemini, has always been associated with respiration, the brain, and the entire nervous system.双子座的守护星水星,与呼吸相关的系统、大脑以及整个神经系统有着密切的联系。

5.These images are from MESSENGER, a NASA Discovery mission to conduct the first orbital study of the innermost planet, Mercury.这些图像来自于信使号水星探测器,它执行NASA的探索任务,第一次对这个太阳系最内侧行星进行了在轨研究。

6.One involves landing on the surface of the planet Mercury.一个涉及对水星表面着陆。

7.Your rupng planet Mercury turns retrograde in your 12th House of Imagination today, challenging you to delve deeper into your fantasies.你主宰的水星逆行到你想象力的第12宫,这让你更想去探究你的幻想。

8.The view features a slender crescent Moon and bright planet Mercury separated on the sky by only about 2 degrees.影像中出现了一轮细长的新月和一颗明亮的水星,二者在天空中相距仅约2度。

9.Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury, and Capricorn is ruled by the Planet Saturn.双子受到水星管辖,魔羯的主星是土星。

10.Composed of rock and ice, Ganymede is the largest moon in our solar system and is larger even than the planet Mercury.覆盖着岩石和寒冰的Ganymede是太阳系里个头最大的月亮(行星的卫星),甚至比水星这颗行星还要大。