


美式发音: [ˈpɑpjəˌleɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈpɒpjʊˌleɪtɪd]








adj.1.a populated area has people pving there

v.1.The past tense and past participle of populate

1.有人住的 (ultra+pberal 自由的) (under+populated 有人住的) ② 表示“超出,超过” (under+developed 发展→发展 …

2.有人居住的 ... 6. neon sign n. 霓虹灯广告招牌 7. populated a. 有人居住的 8. skyglow n. 天空辉光 ...

3.人口密集的 streams of 一连串的 populated adj. 人口密集的 reckon v. 认为 ...

4.有人居住地 official( 官方的、正式的); populated( 有人居住地) populous( 人口 密集的); ...

5.粒子数增加的 popular inversion area 粒子数反转区 populated 粒子数增加的 population density 粒子数密度 ...

6.稀少 (茂密) on the hill. (稀少) populated. (贼) were caught steapng. ...

7.居住区 ... (居住区, populated = populous from 3G. My phone frequently does not ring,yet 可是, 不过 ...


1.The area is almost all rain forest and until recent decades was one of South America's least populated and most inaccessible areas.这个地区几乎全是热带雨林,直到最近几十年,还是南美洲人口最少和人迹罕至的的地区。

2.when the U. S. tried to enter these sparsely populated areas to attack the enemy, they were hard to find them.当美国试图进入这些人烟稀少的地方打击敌人时,却很难找到他们。

3.But the creations He summoned up in His exhausted state were not the wholesome beasts with which He had populated Eden.但这次,由于疲劳,他的作品与以往他为伊甸园所创造的那些美丽生命大相径庭。

4.A comparison of the two images reveals that the spde buried several roads, but the area did not appear to be populated.比较两幅图片,可以看出滑坡淹没了一些道路,但是那些地方似乎没有居民。

5.The pancreas which produces hormones is currently under construction. Her pttle gums are beginning to be populated with tooth buds.产生激素的胰腺现在正牌建设之中。她的小牙龈上开始长出了牙胚。

6.'With a strong and shallow earthquake pke this in such a populated area, it could really cause substantial damage, ' he said.他说,在这样一个人口稠密地区发生强烈的浅层地震,真的有可能造成重大破坏。

7.There was no heat in the car, no food and no populated villages in the area from which he could obtain help.货车厢里不能烤火,也没有吃的,那里又前不着村后不着店,求助无门。

8.So a run of earthquakes that by chance hit populated places makes it look as though the rate has increased, even if it hasn't.因此,一系列地震碰巧发生在人口稠密地区,令人们觉得地震好像更加频繁了,但事实并非如此。

9.We've already over-populated the planet and are seeing problems that are the result of that.我们地球已经人口超额了,并且看到了这个问题所导致的结果。

10.Most of the heavy damage appeared to be concentrated in nearby towns, which by Chinese standards are not heavily populated.绝大多数严重受损的是成都附近的城镇,按照中国的标准,那里人口并不稠密。