


美式发音: ['teɪzə(r)] 英式发音: ['teɪzə(r)]





1.电击枪(发射电脉冲,使人暂时不能动弹)a gun that fires darts that give a person a small electric shock and makes them unable to move for a short time

v.1.a trademark for a nonlethal weapon that transmits electrical pulses, usually via retractable wires, to contract muscle tissue in order to incapacitate somebody

1.泰瑟枪始讲他不好的故事了,比如这篇报道:专门生产警用眩晕枪的美国塔色(Taser)国际公司表示,该公司去年第四季度的盈利上 …

4.电枪社拉斯维加斯8日电) 亚利桑那州(Arizona)电击枪制造商泰瑟公司Taser)希望能助父母一臂之力;但不是借助阵阵电流…

6.泰瑟公司泰瑟公司Taser)、香脆奶油甜甜圈公司(KripsyKreme)和玛莎·斯图尔特公司(MarthaStewart)股票的强劲表现就是经典 …


1.And he stuck it into my kidney on the right side, and when he would pull on it, it was pke a taser shock.他把它插进我右侧的肾脏,当他钩住我的右肾时,像是响起一声泰瑟枪的声音。

2.It packs a laser pointer, video camera, taser, and armored plate, all ready to keep you safe when danger rears its ugly head.它内置激光棒,摄像机,电击枪和金属护甲。在危险临头时,能保护你的安全。

3.Even the angriest mobs would probably think twice about trying to pass a Taser Shockwave barrier.就算是再牛的人也可能会三思过后再走过高压眩晕冲击波屏障。

4.Creating an " area of denial" the Taser can be stacked up and strung together almost indefinitely. It will also mount to any vehicle.在制造区域封锁时,可以将泰瑟重叠并且几乎可以无限地串起来。这样将等同于任一交通工具。

5.Most of these cases were in the United States, where just over 300 deaths following Taser use have been recorded.这些案件大部分是发生在美国。在美国,已被记录在案因使用泰瑟枪而致死的人数刚刚超过300名。

6.It contends that just because someone dies after receiving a jolt, it does not necessarily follow that the Taser was to blame.该公司声称,只是因为有人在受到震惊后而死,这并不能表示Taser公司应当对此负有责任。

7."I did what I had to do to take control of the situation, " Smith told the AJC about his decision to repeatedly discharge his Taser.“为了控制局面,我只是做了我该做的。”史密斯给AJC解释他为何一再使用泰瑟枪射击。

8.A group of guards emerge from the door and shoot Jack with a Taser dart.一队警卫从门内现身,用高压电击枪射中了杰克。

9.Taser stock is up some 60-fold in the last two years on fast growth of their non-lethal electro shock gun.过去的两年中,在其不致命电击枪产品快速成长的推动下,TASR的股价增长约60倍。

10.A company spokesman points out that no medical examiner in Canada has pointed to the Taser as a contributing factor in any deaths.一位公司发言人指出,在加拿大,根本没有法医表明泰瑟枪是任一死亡事件的一个诱因。