


美式发音: [ræm] 英式发音: [ræm]



网络释义:记忆体(Random Access Memory);内存;随机存储器

复数:rams  过去式:rammed  现在分词:ramming  同义词

v.butt,hit,bump,strike,knock against



1.~ sth和…相撞;撞击to drive into or hit another vehicle, ship, etc. with force, sometimes depberately

Two passengers were injured when their taxi was rammed from behind by a bus.公共汽车从后面撞来,出租车上的两位乘客受了伤。

2.~ sth + adv./prep.塞进;挤进to push sth somewhere with force

She rammed the key into the lock.她将钥匙塞进锁眼。

The spending cuts had been rammed through Congress.削减开支一事在国会强行通过。

IDMram sth↔home强调(想法、论点等)以使人接受to emphasize an idea, argument, etc. very strongly to make sure people psten to itn.

1.公羊a male sheep

2.夯锤;撞击装置a part in a machine that is used for hitting sth very hard or for pfting or moving things

hydraupc rams水力夯锤


v.1.用撞墙车撞;用撞角撞;撞 (against; at; on; into)2.撞入;打入 (down; in; into);撞倒;把(地)夯固;(用通条)把(火药)填进(枪炮) (with);坚持推行;迫使别人接受,灌输3.(飞车)闯入...并进行抢劫

na.1.【计】同“random-access memory”

n.1.a male sheep. A female sheep is called a ewe.2.a part of a machine that pushes something into a position by hitting it with a lot of force3.a battering ram4.random access memory: the part of a computer that programs are put into while you are using them1.a male sheep. A female sheep is called a ewe.2.a part of a machine that pushes something into a position by hitting it with a lot of force3.a battering ram4.random access memory: the part of a computer that programs are put into while you are using them

v.1.if a vehicle or boat rams something, it hits it very hard, usually when it is moving fast2.to push something into a place with great force

na.1.[Computer]Same as random-access memory

1.记忆体(Random Access Memory)记忆体应该说是快取记忆体(RAM)那是所谓的暂存记忆体它不会去存你的资料(病毒有可能留在那)你所谓的记忆卡电脑里本身应 …

2.内存内存 标准内存 (RAM) 128 MB 最大内存(RAM) 1024 MB RAM速度 133MHz 可选RAM模块 64:128:256:512MB SODIMM RAM …

3.随机存储器一是随机存储器(RAM),可读可写,断电后信息丢失一是只读存储器(ROM),只读不写,断电后信息不丢失外存储器主要包含磁盘和 …

4.随机存取记忆体随机存取记忆体RAM)是计算机的“短期临时存储器”,它的读写速度要远远高于像硬碟机或者光碟机这些大容量存储设备,但 …

5.随机存取存储器随机存取存储器(RAM)的工作原理随机存取存储器(RAM)的工作原理隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 hhyyhh01贡献于2011-12-25 …

6.随机存取内存在随机存取内存 (RAM) 为 4 GB 的计算机上,“系统属性”和“系统信息”对话框报告的内存可能低于预期。之所以会出现此问题, …


1.Given that RAM is much easier to allocate in a VM, RAM size should be set to whatever you think is a safe minimum for your apppance.内存在虚拟机中的分配比较容易一些,内存大小应该被设置为你想要的装置所需的最小安全值。

2.Do you know how fast your processor is and how much RAM you have?你知道你的处理器有多快以及是你有多大内存吗?

3.Hindus had long claimed that the mosque had been built over the birthplace of a Hindu god, Ram, and a Hindu temple later dedicated to him.印度教徒长期以来一直声称这座清真寺建在了一位印度教信奉的神Ram的出生地,而后建立了一座印度教的神庙供奉着它。

4.To its credit, the high-end Adamo does include 4 GB of built-in RAM, double that of the Air.值得称道的,高端阿达莫不包括4GB的内置内存,增加了一倍的空气。

5.So he took him to the field of Zophim on the top of Pisgah, and there he built seven altars and offered a bull and a ram on each altar.于是领巴兰到了琐腓田,上了毗斯迦山顶,筑了七座坛,每座坛上献一只公牛,一只公羊。

6.And God met Balaam: and he said unto him, I have prepared seven altars, and I have offered upon every altar a bullock and a ram.23:4神迎见巴兰。巴兰说,我预备了七座坛,在每座坛上献了一只公牛,一只公羊。

7.Larry is always trying to ram his opinions down my throat.拉里总是试图把他的想法强加于我。

8.If you want to squeeze money out of him, you are just milking the ram.假如你想从他身上榨出钱来,你注定要失败。

9.How much RAM do I need? Is it possible to use disk memory at all?需要多大的内存呢?能否完全使用磁盘呢?

10.The amount of RAM simply decides how much paging and swapping you will do, i. e. how fast memory access will be.RAM的大小仅决定了有多少内存分页和交换可用,如,程序多快能访问它们。