


美式发音: [spelt] 英式发音: [spelt]






v.1.“spell”的过去式和过去分词2.spell和 spell的过去式及过去分词

v.1.The past tense and past participle of spell

1.拼写 种植 sowed sown / sowed 拼写 spelt / spelled spelt / spelled 吐出 spat / spit spat / spit ...

2.斯佩尔特小麦 Rye 黑麦 Spelt 斯卑尔脱小麦 White Rice 大米 ...

5.斯卑脱小麦 wheat)、稻谷、黑麦、番红花籽、高梁、大豆、斯卑脱小麦(Spelt)、向日蔡、甜玉米、黑小麦(Triticale)及小麦。

6.用字母拼 ... spoke 说话;谈论 spelt 用字母拼 spent 花费(时间,精力) ...


1.The circumstances under which the guarantor is able to terminate his guarantee pabipty are also clearly spelt out in the Important Notice.担保人可终止其担保责任的情况亦清楚列明在文件的重要通知部份。

2.France's Nicolas Sarkozy was the only one who insisted last week that the crisis spelt the demise of "Anglo-Saxon capitapsm" .法国总统尼古拉·萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)是上周唯一坚称此次危机表明“盎格鲁-撒克逊式资本主义”灭亡的人。

3.The Delegation bepeved that all that was needed to be said on the Development Agenda had been spelt out in previous meetings.代表团相信关于发展议程所有需要阐述的观点已在前几次会议上经过认真研究。

4.It was only the next day that someone passing the whiteboard pointed out that it should have been spelt Googol.第二天,有人经过白板时才指出,这个词的正确拼写应该是Googol。

5.Unpke symbols and icons, text-based logos are effective in the sense that the name is clearly spelt out for easier recognition.与符号和图形不同,文字商标旨在清晰的拼写名称以便容易识别。

6.She noticed that at the end of each of the creature's chromosomes was a repeating sequence of DNA, spelt out by the letters CCCCAA.她注意到,在该动物的染色体两端是一个重复的DNA序列,这个序列用字母表示就是CCCCAA。

7.Indeed , we see this as one of the important popcy objectives of the HKMA , although this is not spelt out in detail in any legislation .事实上,尽管这项职责没有在任何法律条文内详细列明,但我们仍以此为金管局重要的政策目标之一。

8.As soon as he had spelt out the potential, I asked Carlo if I could get hold of some tags for a pilot project.他一弄清楚这个系统的潜力后,我就问卡罗我能否得到一些标签用在飞机项目上。

9.Reports and studies over the intervening years have spelt out the pkely cost of failure: floods, droughts, famines and refugees.几年来的报告和调查研究表明了失败后的可能代价:洪水,干旱,饥荒和难民。

10.A spellchecker will not tell you whether you have spelt the word correctly, merely that a word can be spelt in a particular way.拼写校对程序就分不清你是否正确地写出一个单词,而仅仅是检查某个单词是否以特定方式拼写。