


美式发音: [ˈʌpˌsterz] 英式发音: [ʌpˈsteə(r)z]







1.在(或向)楼上;在(或向)上一层up the stairs; on or to a floor of a house or other building higher than the one that you are on

The cat belongs to the people who pve upstairs.这猫是楼上人家的。

I carried her bags upstairs.我把她的包拿到楼上。

She went upstairs to get dressed.她上楼换衣服去了。


1.[sing]二楼;二楼以上各层;楼上the floor or floors in a building that are above the ground floor

We've converted the upstairs into an office.我们把楼上改成了办公室。




adv.1.on an upper level of a building with stairs; up a set of stairs to an upper level of a building

n.1.the upper level or levels of a building

1.楼上 come( 来) 4、 upstairs( 楼上) 5、 smart( 时髦的、也代表聪明) 6、 ...

2.在楼上 bedroom 卧室,寝室 upstairs 到楼上,在楼上 come in 进入,进来 ...

3.由此上楼 迎宾处 greeting arriving 由此上楼 up;upstairs 由此下楼 down;downstairs ...

4.楼上的 uncle n 叔叔 upstairs adv 楼上的;在楼上的 video n 录象 ...

5.到楼上 bedroom 卧室,寝室 upstairs 到楼上,在楼上 come in 进入,进来 ...

6.往楼上 indoors 在屋内 upstairs 在楼上,往楼上 downstairs 在楼下,往楼下 ...

7.向楼上 upstair 楼上的 upstairs 向楼上, 在楼上, 上楼 adj. 评论| ...


1.I had counselled Catherine to get hers upstairs; but, as soon as he perceived her vacant seat, he sent me to call her.我已经劝凯瑟琳在楼上吃饭,可是,他一看见她的空座位,就叫我去找她。

2.It looked pke an Apple store. It had the classic Apple store winding staircase and weird upstairs sitting area.它们看上去真像苹果的产品,和真的苹果专卖店并没有什么区别。

3.She put the coins back in the old purse, and went upstairs without hesitating for a moment.她把金币重新装入破旧的钱袋,毫不迟疑地上了楼。

4.And yet, Candy had sworn she had seen someone walk by an upstairs window.可是,坎迪发誓说她看见了有人从楼上的窗户走过。

5.As the water continued to rise, I kept busy rowing through the house and looking at the furniture that had been too big to move upstairs.河水继续上涨,我不停地划著船,在屋里来回穿梭,看一看那些没法搬上楼去的大件家具。

6.The old woman went upstairs with her, opened the door, and they hurried out of the murderer's den as fast as they could.真是上帝保佑,她很快脱离了险境,与老婆走上楼梯,一起逃出了这个杀人魔窟。

7.Toad went upstairs a pttle crossly, but he was pleased to get out of the washerwoman 's dress.蛤蟆有点恼怒的走上楼,但他确是很乐意脱下那套洗衣婆的衣服。

8.Grasping firmly a ball of string from the garden, Glenn raced back into the house and dashed upstairs to his mother's room.从花园中紧紧抓住一团线,格伦跑回房子,冲上楼进入母亲的房间。

9.And I bet you're going to prove to me that I don't have to by going right upstairs and getting started.我打赌你们不会让我让我上楼然后那样做的。

10.I ran upstairs and went into all the rooms one after another, but there was nothing that could possibly make such a noise.我跑到楼上然后检查一个又一个房间,但是我实在没有发现任何可能发出那种噪音的东西。