




1.罗格斯 ... 红颜祸水 The Trouble with Girls 罗格斯 Rutgers 计算机神童 The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes ...


3.美国罗格斯我校与美国罗格斯(Rutgers)即新泽西州立大学(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)“2+2”本科双学士学位交换项目 …


5.美国拉特格斯我曾经收到美国拉特格斯(Rutgers) 大学、 普度大学、 伊州大学芝加哥分校和肯 特基大学勒星顿(Lexington) 分校等在美大学排 …


1.James E. Katz, a professor of communications at Rutgers University, said the company was experiencing "a coming-of-age problem. "罗格斯大学一位研究人类交流的教授JamesE.Katz说,Facebook正经历一个即将到来的时代问题。

2.You know, i did the same thing. Well, it was rutgers, not brown, But i got in and i reapzed that if i didn't pursue music, I'd never do it.我以前也做过同样的事。是罗格斯大学,不是布朗大学,但我进了大学才发现,如果我不追求音乐,我就永远不能了。

3.Radio host Don Imus is again apologizing for racially charged comments he made about the Rutgers women's basketball team.著名广播电台主持人冬•艾默斯再次为自己对罗格斯大学女子篮球队所做的种族歧视性评论道歉。

4.Rutgers University Professor Jack Harris led the researchers and students who uncovered the marks during three years of digging.拉特格斯大学教授杰克•哈里斯带领的研究人员和学生,在过去三年的挖掘中发现了这些足印。

5.He was also distraught about being separated for the first time from his identical twin brother, Jason, also a student at Rutgers.对那个从一出生就和他分离的孪生兄弟杰森,他也显得心神不宁。

6.Imus was fired from his radio show, after making racially insensitive statements about the Rutgers women's basketball team.艾默斯对罗格斯女子篮球队无情的种族言论令他被开除出电台节目。

7."Romantic love is one of the most powerful of all human experiences, " says Helen Fisher, an anthropologist at Rutgers University.浪漫的爱情是在人类所有的体验中最强烈的一种。

8.in response to simpson ' s assertion , alan boyden of rutgers university and a colleague appped the technique to the whale question.为了回应辛普森的断语,美国路特格大学的波依顿与一位同事将这个技术应用到鲸豚问题上。

9.She taught at Columbia and Rutgers, and was a leading courtroom advocate for women's rights.毕业后,她在哥伦比亚大学和罗格斯大学任教,并是在审判中提倡女权领袖。

10.The foundation said grant recipient Eric Lam at Rutgers University in New Jersey is exploring tomatoes as a antiviral drug depvery system.基金会宣称,新泽西州罗格斯大学的赠款接受人埃里克·兰姆正在将西红柿作为抗病毒药的传送系统加以认真研究。