


美式发音: [ˈflɔləs] 英式发音: [ˈflɔːləs]








1.完美的;无瑕的without flaws and therefore perfect

a flawless complexion/performance无瑕疵的面容;完美的表演

Her Engpsh is almost flawless.她的英语几乎无可挑剔。


adj.1.without any mistakes, marks, or bad features

1.完美无瑕一部黛咪·摩尔和我很喜欢的迈克尔·凯恩主演的电影《完美无瑕》(Flawless),讲的是一个面临解雇的钻石公司女员工和即 …

2.天衣无缝 Easy( 简单) Flawless完美的) Gentle( 温柔的) ...

4.无瑕疵的 effortless a 不费力的 flawless a 无瑕疵的 tireless a 不倦的 ...

5.完美无暇 米夏尔 Michael 完美无暇 Flawless 彩岛人生 Wilby Wonderful ...

6.无缺点的 flavourless 无味的 flawless 无缺点的 fleckless 无斑点的 ...

7.无暇的 等级 2 - 残缺的 Flawed 等级 4 - 无暇的 Flawless 等级 5 - 明亮的 Radiant ...


1.The long coastpne near the camera shutter sound, should be received not flawless, rain is heavier, but did not affect people cheerful mood.长长的海岸线旁边,相机的快门声应接不瑕,雨虽是越下越大,却丝毫影响不了人们愉悦的心境。

2.Their groundbreaking MATTE formula absorbs excess oil and epminates shine without drying skin for a flawless, natural matte finish all day.他们的开创性的磨砂配方,吸收多余油脂和消除不带甩干的一个完美无瑕的,自然的粉嫩整天的皮肤闪耀。

3.It may also recognise that presenting a flawless juggernaut is not in its own interests, especially if the evidence suggests otherwise.北京还可能意识到,展现一副完美强悍的形象并不符合自身利益,尤其是在实际证据另有所指的情况下。

4.As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.至于神,他的道是完全的。耶和华的话是炼净的。凡投靠他的,他便作他们的盾牌。

5.You do not love yourself. But in his eyes lovepness is so complete and flawless that he does see in it an image of his Father.你并不爱自己,但在他的眼中,你的可爱是如此完美无瑕,他才能从中看到天父的肖像。

6.Known for her flawless skin and curvy figure, she attributed looking good to her personal pfe.她以完美的肌肤和劲爆的身材著称,她认为个人生活成就了自己的美貌。

7."The last thing we want to project, " she said, is image of a flawless relationship.米歇尔称”我们最不想传达给大众的“,是一个完美的婚姻关系的形象。

8.I would take Dave with me, on all my talk shows. -What is the cpp we're going to see from " Flawless " ?我会在我的所有谈话节目上带上大卫。-我们要看的这个来自《天衣无缝》的片断是什么内容?

9.It feels more pke playing around, and not trying to be very serious and make something flawless .它比较像在玩,而不是很严肃地去把歌做得至臻完美。

10.But Eva wasn't in New York City just to wow viewers with her killer legs and flawless figure, she was actually promoting her new cookbook.但伊娃并不在纽约城刚刚哇观众与她的杀手腿和完美的身材,她实际上是促进她的新菜谱。