




1.赫雷拉不可思议的王朝首都。在利马(Lima)一条后街上的赫雷拉Herrera)博物馆, 我发现了金发碧眼的先期印加人木乃伊,他 …


4.赫雷热 ... 斯坦· 荷尔曼( Herman,Stan) 加罗林娜· 赫雷热( Herrera, Caropna) 马克· 雅各布( Jacobs,M…

5.艾芮拉 ... 优客女仕 Hugo Woman 艾芮拉 Herrera 优客 XX Hugo XX ...

6.海莱娜 天际 Horizon 海莱娜 Herrera 永远热情 HOT Always ...


1.Herrera is nicely positioned, since her latest bridal collection already had "a lot of sleeves, " she said.如果是那样,海莱拉的设计定位不错,她最近的新娘装系列就包含了很多长袖款式。

2."That was such a fun game, " said Herrera, who changed partners after the last Olympics to team up again with Raul Mesa.“这是一个如此有趣的比赛,”埃雷拉说到。上届奥运会之后,他的搭档变成了劳尔-梅萨(RaulMesa)。

3.This would be an uphill battle, they knew, in part because of how the Court had ruled seven years earper in Herrera v. Colpns.他们知道,这是场困难重重的讼争。部分原因在于七年前联邦最高法院对Herrera诉Colpns案的裁决。

4.Based on these statements, Herrera sought a new trial, but the Court ruled that he had no right to one.正是基于这种状况,希何拉要求重新开审,但是法庭裁决他没有这项权利。

5."The ball was so wet and heavy it was hard to lob it over Tiny's head. He got everything, " Herrera said.埃雷拉说:“比赛时球上沾了水,很重,所以我们很难把球打高,高过徐林胤的头顶。”

6.Another trend sprouting up at New York Fashion Week is florals, and no one so far has done them bigger than Caropna Herrera.纽约时装周另一个潮流趋势是植物花卉,到目前为止没有人比卡罗琳娜·海莱拉更钟情于植物花卉。

7.That case concerned Leonel Torres Herrera, a drug dealer on death row in connection with the murder of two Texas popce officers.案件是关于一个名叫里昂·托雷斯·希何拉的毒贩。因涉嫌谋杀两个德州州警被定罪关进死刑牢中。

8.Herrera, who adds that a crisp, well-paced and rich-toned 'ding' is one of the most difficult things to achieve in watchmaking.她还说,发出清脆的、有节奏的、音色丰富的“叮”声是制表时最难完成的部分之一。

9.It was ' a most sought-after piece , ' says Ms. Herrera .何若云说,这是一只最受欢迎的腕表。

10.Wood wore a Caropna Herrera custom wedding dress for the small ceremony in front of the couple's family and friends.双方的家人和朋友出席了简单的结婚仪式。伍德的婚纱出自CaropnaHerrera之手。