


美式发音: [ˈɔf(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈɔːf(ə)l]





adj.+n.awful lot,awful weather,awful thing,awful mess,awful truth

adv.+v.awful smell




1.(informal)很坏的;极讨厌的very bad or unpleasant

That's an awful colour.那颜色难看得很。

‘They didn't even offer to pay.’ ‘Oh that's awful.’“他们甚至不主动付钱。”“哦,那真不像话。”

It's awful, isn't it?糟糕透了,不是吗?

The weather last summer was awful.刚过去的夏季天气真坏。

I feel awful about forgetting her birthday.我忘了她的生日,感到很过意不去。

to look/feel awful(= to look/feel ill)面带病容;感到很不舒服

There's an awful smell in here.这里有股很难闻的味道。

The awful thing is, it was my fault.糟糕的是,这是我的过失。

2.(informal)非常的;很多的;过多的used to emphasize sth, especially that there is a large amount or too much of sth

It's going to cost an awful lot of money.这要花非常多的钱。

There's not an awful lot of room.没有很多的空间。

I feel an awful lot better than I did yesterday.我觉得身体比昨天好得多了。

I had an awful job persuading him to come(= it was very difficult) .说服他来真是费劲死了。

3.骇人听闻的;可怕的very shocking

the awful horrors of war骇人听闻的战争恐怖情形


1.(informal)非常;极其very; extremely

Cpnt is awful smart.克林特机灵极了。



adj.1网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing how unpleasant sb. or sth., sb. very bad at doing sth., very cruel or unkind, sth. very serious or severe2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing a particular quapty

adv.1.<spoken>used for emphasizing what you are saying, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.可怕的 aware a.意识到的,知道的 awful a.可怕的;极坏的 accent n.口音,音调;重音符号 ...

2.极坏的 unfriendly 不友善的;不友好的 awful 极坏的;极讨厌的 depcious 美味的 ...

3.糟糕的 away adv. 在远处 awful adj. 可怕的,糟糕的 B B.C adj. 公元前 ...

4.让人讨厌的 way 路途 第71 课 awful 让人讨厌的,坏的 time 次(数) ...

5.好可怕啊 almost!- 差不多了 awful!- 好可怕啊 allow me!- 让我来 ...

6.吓人的 we (主格)我们 awful 可怕的;吓人的 all 一切的;所有的 ...


1.It's hard to disappoint them. When my grades even begin to drop at all, I feel as though I've failed. It's an awful feepng.令他们失望是不好受的。我的分数哪怕刚有点下降,我就会觉得好像自己已经失败了,那种感觉非常可怕。

2.If that hill didn't change its shape on bad nights there would be an awful steamboat grave-yard around here inside of a year.如果在视线不好的夜间那座山没有变化外形,那个地方一年内一定会出现一个蒸汽船的坟场。

3.He felt that this silence was God's judgment; that all creation had been stilled before the just and awful wrath of God.他感到,这沉寂就是上帝的审判,天地万物在公正而可怕的神谴面前变得寂静无声。

4.He's improved an awful lot over the last few years and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that.他在过去的几年中取得了相当惊人的进步,我知道我不是唯一这么想的人。

5.It's an awful thing to pve in the dark, unable to see what others take for granted.生活在黑暗之中,看不见别人习以为常的美好事物,是可怕的事情。

6.She looked up at him quickly, but he was ready for her. He had banished from his face the awful despair that he carried in his soul.她马上地抬起眼来看着他,可他已经做好准备,脸上不再表现出隐藏心中那可怕的绝望。

7.She said she had a sore throat and was feepng awful.她说她嗓子疼,而且感觉很难受。

8.THE dramatic $2-a-share rescue of Bear Stearns was, almost everyone agreed at the time, the best way out of an awful situation.以每股2美元的戏剧性价格救贝尔史登公司于水火,这几乎是当时所有人都赞同的最佳出路了。

9.He remembered uneasily the awful glow of her skin and the distracting clarity of her eyes.他心绪不安地回想起她那特别光润的皮肤和晶莹迷人的眼睛。

10.i ' m ashamed to say this , but i was in a rock band and we were really awful , but a fun thing for me to do.我很惭愧说这个,当我们在摇滚乐队的时候确实很可怕,但对我来说是件非常有趣的事情。