


美式发音: ['steɪtɪd] 英式发音: ['steɪtɪd]










v.1.The past participle and past tense of state

1.规定的 state 状态 stated a. 规定的 statement 语句 ...

2.陈述 pro→ 向前,支持 ) stated 说明,陈述 ) declared 宣称 ...

3.定期的 statecraft 制国本领 stated 定期的 statedly 庄重的 ...

4.声明 otherwise 否则 stated 声明 dependent children; 受供养子女; ...

5.一定的 ... punctually adv. 准时地 stated adj. 规定的; 固定的; 一定的; 定期的; took off v. 起飞;出去,动身 ...

6.固定的 strong1. 有力的 stated1. 规定的,固定的 screw1. 螺丝 ...

7.声明过 ... variety 花样 stated 声明过 shape 形状 ...


1.Concerning the performance in the United States Akanishi stated that it had been something he wanted to do himself.对于在美国的个人演出,赤西仁指出这是他过去一直想自己做的事。

2.Meanwhile, Kenyon stated it is business as usual for Chelsea despite the fact Arsenal are set to investigate the matter.同时,凯尼恩声明不管阿森纳怎么想这就是生意。

3.Simply stated, you think about the one you love most of the time. You can't get them out of your mind. You are in love with them!简单的说就是你无时无刻不在思念着你最爱的人,一旦你爱上了一个人,你就无法忘掉他。

4.BMD changes at the femoral neck, radius, spine, and total body did not differ significantly between the two groups, Oncken's group stated.在股骨颈、桡骨、脊柱和全身骨密度的改变方面,两组女性无显著差异。

5.That was about the only place in the world where nobody would recognize me and I could move somewhat freely, " Nowitzki stated. "那是这世界上惟一一个没人认识我和我能自由行动的地方。

6.John Paul II stated that an end to the Great Schism was one of his fondest wishes.若望·保禄二世说,结束宗派分裂,是他最大的心愿之一。

7.Finally, the Delegation stated that it had high hopes for the "WIPO University Initiative" project and wished to see it revived.最后,该代表团表示它对“WIPO大学倡议”项目期望很高,并希望能再次启动这一项目。

8."Zambrotta was the first player to express his desire to leave last summer, " Secco stated.“赞布罗塔是去年夏天第一个表达希望离开的球员,”塞科陈述。

9.The second law stated that the force appped to a body is in proportion to the acceleration of the body.第二个定律说,加于某一物体的力量与该物体的加速度成正比。

10.But Abe's words and actions have not always been this free, as he stated during the Indonesian occupation of Timorese territory.但这位诗人的言语与行为并非总是如此自由,他在印度尼西亚占领东帝汶期间曾表示