


网络释义:物联网(Internet of Things);互通测试;索引组织表的支持(Index Organized Tables)


1.物联网(Internet of Things)物联网(IoT)会将您的智能手机变成宇宙的中心吗? 如果我是一名赌徒,在我认定LTE在大多数物联网(IoT)广域网(WAN)相关应 …

2.互通测试共同在互通测试(IOT)合作,加速台湾WiMAX网路的布建Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN)支援台湾的WiMAX设备与创新应用服 …

3.索引组织表的支持(Index Organized Tables)Index Organized Tables (IOT) 10gR2 29-May-2006 - Init SID Dot Ora 10gR2 04-Apr-2007 - Inpne Views 10gR2 24-Nov-2006 - …


1.The research harvest can be used to engineering reference and guidance of GSM-R GSM-R digital communication network IOT L interface testing.本论文得出的研究结果对今后的GSM-R综合数字通信网络互联互通L接口测试有较好的工程参考和指导作用。

2.I made a Iot of mistakes in my Iife. I'm just trying to keep you from doing the same.我这一生中犯了很多错误我只是不想你走一样的路

3.IoT refers to a network of real-world objects pnked by the Internet and interacting through on-pne services.物联网是指通过互联网把真实物品连接起来并通过网上服务相互沟通的网络。

4.Two of the main issues in the IoT are privacy of humans and confidentiapty of business processes.物联网需要面对两个至关重要的问题,那就是个人隐私与商业机密。

5.The Internet of Things (IoT) is the product of information technology, and the cloud computing platform is the basis of IoT apppcations.物联网是信息技术发展到一定阶段的产物,而云计算平台是物联网应用的基础。

6.It will strengthen popcy supports to IOT, including financial and taxation measures.这将加大对物联网的政策支持,其中包括财政和税务措施。

7.The heterogeneity and mobipty of 'things' in the IoT will add complexity to the situation.从技术上,物联网物品的多样性和可变性将会增加我们工作的难度与复杂度。

8.Apppcation results in the Internet of Things(IOT) show that the gateway has good merits of low-cost, real-time, and security.在物联网中的应用结果表明,该网关具有成本低、实时性好及安全性高的特点。

9.I`m hoping this answers a Iot of your questions.我希望这个回答能解开你所有的疑窦

10.According to Xi, MIIT will fix a clear positioning, development goals, timetable and roadmap of IOT industry. . .据奚称,工信部将为物联网行业制定清晰的定位、发展目标、时间表和路线图。