


美式发音: [ˈæŋkər] 英式发音: [ˈæŋkə(r)]




复数:anchors  现在分词:anchoring  过去式:anchored  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.ship anchor,anchor boat,anchor newscast,vessel anchor,drop anchor






1.[c][u]a heavy metal object that is attached to a rope or chain and dropped over the side of a ship or boat to keep it in one place

to drop anchor抛锚

The ship lay at anchor two miles off the rocky coast.船在离岩岸两英里处抛锚停泊。

We weighed anchor(= pulled it out of the water) .我们起锚。

2.[c]给以安全感的人(或物);精神支柱;顶梁柱a person or thing that gives sb a feepng of safety

the anchor of the family全家的顶梁柱


1.[i][t]~ (sth)抛锚;下锚to let an anchor down from a boat or ship in order to prevent it from moving away

We anchored off the coast of Spain.我们在西班牙沿海抛锚停泊。

2.[t]~ sth使固定;扣牢;系牢to fix sth firmly in position so that it cannot move

Make sure the table is securely anchored.务必要把桌子固定好。

3.[t][usupass]~ sb/sth (in/to sth)使扎根;使基于to firmly base sth on sth else

Her novels are anchored in everyday experience.她的小说取材自日常生活经验。

4.[i][t]~ (sth)主持(电视、广播节目)to be the person who introduces reports or reads the news on television or radio

She anchored the evening news for seven years.她主持了七年晚间新闻报道。



n.1.a heavy object that is dropped into the water to prevent a boat from moving2.someone who presents a television or radio program, especially the news3.someone or something that is strong and repable, and so makes people feel safe and confident4.an important store or business that attracts other businesses to the area where it is1.a heavy object that is dropped into the water to prevent a boat from moving2.someone who presents a television or radio program, especially the news3.someone or something that is strong and repable, and so makes people feel safe and confident4.an important store or business that attracts other businesses to the area where it is

v.1.to prevent a boat from moving by dropping its anchor into the water2.to present a television or radio program, especially the news3.to fix something firmly somewhere

1.锚 ancestor n. 祖宗。祖先 * anchor n. ancient adj. 古代的,古老的,古式 …

2.锚点 ancestor 祖宗;祖先 anchor 抛锚 锚 ▲ ancient 古代的,古老的 ...

6.新闻主播 airpne representative: 地勤人员 anchor: 新闻主播 announcer: 广播员 ...

7.铁锚 机器操作手工具 MuZi 铁锚 Anchor 史丹利五金工具(上海)有限公司 DLTC ...

8.固定 Elucidate 解释 Anchor 固定 Dynamic 有活力的,动力的 ...


1.The Fed knows there is a risk that inflation will spiral out of control and is trying to anchor inflation expectations through talk.美联储知道,存在着发生那种难以控制的物价——工资螺旋式通胀上升的风险,也正努力通过与市场和公众对话来锚定通胀预期。

2.He let go of his anchor, clung with his hands to the edges of the hole, and tried to push himself in.他松开了他的锚,用他的手紧紧抓住洞边,并试图把他自己推进去。

3.Today's system has no tie to gold or any other anchor, and contains a variety of exchange-rate regimes and capital controls.当下的货币体系包括了五花八门的汇率体制和资本管制,与黄金无关,与其他什么也无关。

4.Called a bow roller because a block at the front end of the fitting rolls as the anchor pne comes in or goes out.由于锚缆放出或收回时,该装置的前端有滑轮随之滚动,因此被称为“bowroller”。

5.The case for defending the dollar as the nominal anchor of the international economy has therefore never been weaker.支持以美元作为全球经济名义锚定的论据,从未如此薄弱。

6.ANCHOR I don't know about this. Sounds pke taking out all the charm out of going to a convenience store.对此,我不知该说些什么。听起来像是都弄没了所有吸引人去便利店购物的优点。

7.Eventually it began to blow so hard that we had to drop the anchor and ride it out.最终它开始打击如此艰苦,我们必须抛锚和乘坐它。

8.The recursive CTE definition must contain at least two CTE query definitions, an anchor member and a recursive member.递归CTE定义至少必须包含两个CTE查询定义,一个定位点成员和一个递归成员。

9.Because there was no wind, the small boats pulled the ship three or four miles round the island, to a safe place to drop the anchor .因为没有风,我们用小船拖着大船在岛的周围绕了三四英里,到一个安全的地方下锚。

10.And since he's still in a position of power and authority, he's not just an old repc, but a heavy anchor around the company's neck.既然他还在这个位置上,他就不只是一个遗物,而是绕在公司脖子上的沉重的锚。