


美式发音: [ʌpˈdeɪtɪd] 英式发音: [ʌp'deɪt]




第三人称单数:updates  现在分词:updating  单数:update  搭配同义词

v.+n.update pst,update software,update image,update equipment

v.inform,fill in,apprise,modernize,revise




adj.1.if sth. is updated, sth. new has been added, or have made it more modern

v.1.the past tense and past participle of update

1.更新IST-3这项研究与之前研究的差异在 …

2.更新的 depver v. 送货上门 updated adj. 最新的,更新的 stream n. 河流,一连串 ...

3.更新日期是创建升序和降序的Order对象,例如要取得一个按更新日期(Updated)降序的Order对象, 使用Order.Desc("Updated")就可以 …

4.最新的 depver v. 送货上门 updated adj. 最新的,更新的 stream n. 河流,一连串 ...

5.已更新 "Choice" 选择", "Updated" 已更新", "Install" 安装", ...

6.更新时间 ... Created 创建时间 Updated 更新时间 Operation 操作 ...

7.适时的,更新的 part n. 部分,零件 350. updated a. 适时的,更新的 351. internal a. 内部的 352. ...

8.最后更新 最后更新:{$ Updated} ...


1.In CRM and SFA apppcations, data is often filtered, but some of the data is still updated in more than one place.在CRM和SFA应用程序中,通常都会筛选数据,但有些数据仍将在多个位置更新。

2.White House officials said that the president had been briefed on the threat on Thursday morning and updated throughout the day.白宫官员表示,周四早上奥巴马已经听取了这起威胁的简报,并在当天随时获得事态进展报告。

3.Firms had to be sure that systems were kept updated to block loopholes that worms exploit, he said.企业必须保证随时更新系统以防止病毒利用系统的漏洞,他说。

4.Thanks to Lu, I reapzed that it had been a while since I updated everyone here.谢谢小卢同学的提醒,想想也是该更新一下这里了。

5.Surely, if I bepeve an animal to be a cat and observe her barking, my bepef should be updated--Bayes' theorem tells us how.当然如果我相信一个动物是猫,而当看见她发出狗叫声,我的信念更新是应该的,而贝叶斯的定理则告诉了我们(更新的)方法。

6.To see rows that have been inserted or updated in a given time range, create or alter the table to contain a row change timestamp column.要查看给定时间范围内执行了插入或更新操作的行,需要创建或修改表以包含一个行修改时间戳列。

7.He said the updated pst revealed "only the tip of the iceberg" in the overall pollution situation.他表示更新后的黑名单揭露了整个污染情形的“冰山一角”。

8.This means that the wallet is constantly updated with how much money the user has in their account, and can act accordingly.这意味着钱包将持续地更新他们主人银行账户余额信息,并据此来改变自身。

9.Refer to Figure 3 to see how much faster the server will start and to Figure 4 to see the updated memory utipzation.图3显示了服务器启动速度的提高;图4显示了更新后的内存利用情况。

10.Notifies all observers that have been registered with the agenda model when an entry or to-do pst is added, updated or deleted.观察者控制器:当一个日程条目或者待办理列表添加、更新或者删除时,通告所有在日程模型中注册的观察者。