


美式发音: [ˈʌpˌsaɪd] 英式发音: [ˈʌpsaɪd]



复数:upsides  同义词反义词





1.(糟糕局面的)好的一面,光明的一面,正面the more positive aspect of a situation that is generally bad


n.1.the positive aspect of a bad situation

1.上边 上辈子〖 ancestors〗 上边upside〗 上标〖 superior〗 ...

2.上部 radio n. 无线电 upside n. 上边; 上面; 上部 upside-down a. 颠倒的 ...

3.上面 radio n. 无线电 upside n. 上边; 上面; 上部 upside-down a. 颠倒的 ...

4.上段 roof 屋顶 upside: 上侧,上段,上部 field: 野外 ...

5.上下颠倒地 hang v.悬挂,吊 upside 上下颠倒地 tent n.帐篷 ...

6.有利的一面 • crap 废话,垃圾,粪便 • upside 好处,有利的一面 • upside down 颠倒着,倒转着;乱七八糟…

7.好处 • crap 废话,垃圾,粪便 • upside 好处,有利的一面 • upside down 颠倒着,倒转着;乱七八糟…

8.好的一面 situation 局面、状况、形 势 50) upside 好的一面 be up to sb. 由某人决定 ...


1.Although an upside move is possible from here, it might be the case that the top is just around the corner.虽然,从目前的价格区间可能会出现一轮上涨,但是短期的顶部可能就在这里。

2.All it takes is one misjudgment and the boat could be upside down on account of a large wave or a sharp turn.但是只要一个错误的判断,快艇就会因为一个大波浪或者一个急转弯而整个翻过来。

3.And now it is getting actually really confusing because his walking upside up with, actually, the surface is to his left.好吧,现在越来越纠结了,因为他现在其实是倒着走的,其实这个曲面在他左边。

4.There her world will be turned upside down and a perfect summer will explode into a milpon bewildering pieces.那样的话她会完全颠倒并且一个完美的夏天将破碎成无数的碎片。

5.A parrot was on a branch, hanging upside down, with its bright eyes and red beak.一只鹦鹉落在一根树枝上,有着明亮的眼睛和红色的嘴巴,头朝下地挂在那儿。

6.Sometimes water drips directly to the floor, so the mineral matter builds upward, pke an upside-down icicle. This is called a stalagmite.有时,水直接朝地下滴,于是,矿物质向上堆积,像倒挂的冰柱。这叫做石笋。

7."Our read at the time was that there was more downside risk to equity and credit markets than upside, " he says.他说,“我们研究了一下时局发现,股票和信用市场风险远比利润预期大。”

8.the man, after looking at me for a moment, turned me upside down, and emptied my pockets. there was nothing in them but a piece of bread.这人打量了我一会儿,便把我头朝下地倒拎起来,我口袋里的东西也就掉了下来。其实我口袋里没别的,只有一片面包。

9.When the audience laughed upside down when Linklater continue to watch this child to want to see that he is not try to be smart guy.当现场的观众笑的东倒西歪时,林克莱特继续注视着这孩子,想看他是不是自作聪明的家伙。

10.Once, when I was about 13, my mother threatened to turn all my drawers upside down on the floor of my bedroom to teach me to keep them tidy.在我大概13岁的时候,母亲扬言要将我的所有抽屉倒在卧室地板上来教我怎样保持抽屉内整洁。