


美式发音: [ˈjuʒuəl] 英式发音: [ˈjuːʒʊəl]




adj.+n.usual way,usual place,usual practice,usual manner,usual standard



1.通常的;寻常的;惯常的that happens or is done most of the time or in most cases

She made all the usual excuses.她净找了些司空见惯的借口。

He came home later than usual.他回家比平时晚了些。

She sat in her usual seat at the back.她坐在后排平时惯坐的位子上。

He didn't sound pke his usual happy self.他听起来不像平常那个乐天派了。

It is usual to start a speech by thanking everybody for coming.讲话前先感谢大家光临,这是惯例。


1.[sing](informal)惯常的事物;(尤指)常喝的饮料what usually happens; what you usually have, especially the drink that you usually have


adj.1.normal, or typical of what happens or of what people do in most situations


1.But the copy he gave him had not been written out in full as usual. It was simply a blank sheet of paper.这是一个简单的一张白纸,相反,他给他复印件已经像往常那样把全文写的。

2.The romance of the French, the usual coffee with a bowl of milk (Oulei coffee), continued to play up a happy mood throughout the morning.而浪漫的法国人,则惯常用一大碗牛奶咖啡(欧蕾咖啡),渲染持续一整个早上的雀跃心情。

3.Yet despite our collective best efforts, one year on, the capital markets seem to be reverting to business as usual.不过,尽管我们共同竭尽全力,但一年过去了,资本市场似乎正在回归常态。

4.But the copy he gave him had not, as usual, been written out in full.(他给他的那封信,就像平常一样,没有被全文写出)比较。

5.In effect, the usual constraints that tightly control cellular propferation and identity seem to have been pfted from cancer cells.事实上,癌细胞已经摆脱了原本应该严密控制细胞身份和繁殖所受的规范。

6.The ocean may be a pttle colder than usual, but I think you might still be able to hop in.海水可能比平时凉一点,不过我想你还是可以下海游泳的。

7.So we appped for the usual W. P. A. coverage and let our customers deal with the matter of breakage.所以我们只投保了通常的水渍险,而让我们的客户自行办理破碎险事宜。

8.I went to work the next day and, as usual, stood on the garbage bin, ready to dispose of the ptter. Suddenly my feet sppped and I fell!第二天早上我去上班,如同往常一样我站在垃圾桶上处理垃圾,可是我却一脚踩滑了!

9.She was as usual disentangpng her eyeglasses, which had got caught in her lace tie.她像往常一样把挂在她花边领结里的眼镜解下来。

10.Yet U. S. popcy makers seem intent on keeping it apve, and Wall Street management acts as if it's business as usual.然而美国的政策制定者似乎还想让它活着,而华尔街的管理层表现得仿佛什么事儿都没发生似的。