



美式发音: [jild] 英式发音: [jiːld]




第三人称单数:yields  现在分词:yielding  过去式:yielded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.high yield,low yield,good yield,annual yield,average yield

v.+n.increase yield,improve yield,yield information,get yield,yield result



v.bear,generate,bring in,give way,acquiesce


v.1.生出,产生(作物,报酬,利益等)2.让步;投降3.给与,让与;让渡;放弃(权利,地位等);交出4.承认5.屈服,服从;让步;听从,应允,答应 (to)6.(土地等)生产作物,生产,有收获7.(因压力)弯曲,凹进 (to)8.(疾病因医疗或药物而)好转1.生出,产生(作物,报酬,利益等)2.让步;投降3.给与,让与;让渡;放弃(权利,地位等);交出4.承认5.屈服,服从;让步;听从,应允,答应 (to)6.(土地等)生产作物,生产,有收获7.(因压力)弯曲,凹进 (to)8.(疾病因医疗或药物而)好转


v.1.to produce something useful such as information or evidence; to make a profit; to produce fruit, vegetables, or other foods2.to finally agree to do what someone else wants you to do; to stop controlpng yourself and finally do something that you were trying not to do; to give something to someone else3.to allow another vehicle to go before you when you are driving4.if something yields when you push or pull it, it moves or bends1.to produce something useful such as information or evidence; to make a profit; to produce fruit, vegetables, or other foods2.to finally agree to do what someone else wants you to do; to stop controlpng yourself and finally do something that you were trying not to do; to give something to someone else3.to allow another vehicle to go before you when you are driving4.if something yields when you push or pull it, it moves or bends

n.1.an amount of something that is produced

1.产量换算 Area measurement 面积 Yields 产量换算 Tory weights and conversions: 金衡制换算 ...

2.殖利率 ... Prices( 价格) Yields( 收益率) Term Structure of Interest Rates( 利率期限结构) ...

4.让渡 ... 十、结束辩论与表决( Closure of Formal Debate & Roll Call Voting) 五、让渡Yields) 六、动议( Mo…

5.收成源有限,要满足不断增长的粮食需求,惟有寄望每亩耕地收成yields) 持续改善,令农民得以在资源日益珍贵的事实面前, …

6.收率 coating: 包衣 yields收率 specification: 规格 ...


1.Debt has rarely been cheaper, with higher-rated companies paying just a few dozen basis points over government bond yields.日本企业的债务成本几乎低得不能再低,评级较高的公司只需支付比政府债券收益率高出十几个基点的价格。

2.This painstaking process yields five tonnes a year, but he cannot bear to sell a gram of it.辛辛苦苦忙完整套工序,每年可以做出5吨奶酪,但他一克也不卖。

3."Every time you think Treasury yields can't get much lower, they go even lower, " he said.他称,“每次你认为公债收益率不可能进一步走低时,它们就会进一步走低。”

4.Given that Treasury yields have since plunged back down to 2. 5% or so, how much further can they fall?国债收益率自1980年以来已跌回至2.5%左右,接下来还会再跌多少呢?

5.The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, the greater the stress to the body.地表面对运动员的体重弹性越小,运动员身体所承受的反作用力就越大。(答案)

6.She really did not see anything clearer than before, but she was getting into that frame of mind where, out of sympathy, a woman yields.其实究竟该怎么办,她并不比刚才更清楚。可是现在出于同情,她的心理实已陷入女性屈服和让步的状态。

7.This fear is at least partly behind the recent rise in yields across the eurozone.欧元区债券收益率普遍上升,至少在一定程度上反映出了这种担忧。

8."It seems pke it's just a win-win scenario for the Treasury market at this point. That's why we're at these crazy low yields, " he said.“目前美国公债市场似乎是一个双赢的情形.这就是为何目前收益率处于如此疯狂低位的原因,”他表示。

9.Bond markets continued to gyrate Thursday after a sharp run-up in 10-year Treasury yields the day before.继美国国债收益率周三大幅上扬后,债券市场的收益率周四仍在高位徘徊。

10.The claim that GM crops give higher yields is often uncritically repeated in the media. But this claim is not accurate.媒体往往不加鉴别的重复声称转基因作物提供更高的产量的说法。但是这种说法并不准确。