




1.依夫 York 约克 英国 养野猪的人 Yves 依夫 法国 法律的守护神 Zachary 扎克利 希伯来 为上帝所心仪的人 ...

2.伊夫 Xavier 格扎维埃 Yves 伊夫 Elisa 埃莉萨 ...

3.伊夫斯 York 约克 Yves 伊夫斯 Yarde 亚德 ...

4.依夫,法国 ... York, 约克,英国,养野猪的人。 Yves依夫,法国,法律的守护神。 Zebulon, 纪伯伦希 …

5.依夫斯 Xavier 赛维尔 Yves 依夫斯 Zebulon 契布伦 ...

6.伊福斯 Lester, 莱斯特,显赫 Yves伊福斯,守护神 Adair, 亚岱尔,犹如橡树般坚强 ...

7.依福斯 Wyatt 怀特 小战士 Yves 依福斯 弓箭手 Zachary 萨克利 上帝记得 ...

8.圣罗伦 名称:百达翡丽 Patek 名称:圣罗伦 Yves 名称:蒂凡尼 Tiffany ...


1.Once I also took her to Paris to see a major Yves Saint Laurent exhibition, and she was really impressed by it.有一次我还带她去巴黎观参观尤夫斯•圣罗伦一个大型的时装展,该时装展给她留下了深刻的印象。

2.Tom Ford openly admitted Yves Saint Laurent made his life a misery when he took over as chief designer of the French fashion house in 1999.汤姆・福特(TomFord)1999年在出任伊夫・圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)首席设计师时曾公开表示,该时装品牌让他的生活很悲惨。

3.THE first intimation, apparently, was when three-year-old Yves told his mother that her shoes did not go with her dress.当三岁的小伊夫告诉自己的母亲:她穿的鞋子与身着的服装并不相称时,这显然首次昭示了一个时装天才与生俱来的独特品位。

4.Yves Behar's Amplify at SCP was even better than I had expected: magical "paper lanterns" cast a soft glow over a lone park bench.在SCP由伊夫贝哈尔的设计的Amplify超出我的想象:神奇的“灯笼”投下了一个公园长凳上柔和光芒。

5.Wildlife photographer Yves Adams battled the freezing winds to capture the incredible shots on camera - after following the bird all day.野生动物摄影师伊夫-亚当顶着寒风,在跟着这只猫头鹰整整一天后,拍到这些非常赞的照片。

6.Yves Saint Laurent's partner, Pierre Berge, said that he would keep the items if Mr Cai did not pay up.伊夫·圣洛朗的同性恋伴侣皮埃尔·贝尔说如果蔡先生不付款,他将保留兔首和鼠首。

7.Amid the flames numerous mysteries were born: were the bronzes from Yves Saint Laurent's collection taken by the British, French or Chinese?火光中,也产生了无数的秘密:伊夫·圣·洛朗的收藏品中那两只兽首是由英国人、法国人还是中国人拿走的?

8.He was the toy French poodle I agreed to allow into the house if my two young children gave him an American name, not Yves or Pierre.它是一只宠物法国狮子狗,如果我的两个年幼孩子给它起一个美国名字,不叫它伊夫斯或皮埃尔的话,我就会允许它进入房子中。

9.She was a tidy, upper-class Milanese woman who wore Yves Saint Laurent skirts, studied theater and talked politics.缪西娅是个爱整洁的、来自上流社会的米兰姑娘,她穿着伊夫-圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)的裙子、研习过戏剧,还谈论政治。

10.On Thursday, she hosted a party at a nightclub in Genova, arriving by Ferrari and wearing high heels and a blue Yves Saint Laurent dress.上周四,她在热那亚举行的一方在一个夜总会,法拉利车队抵达,穿着高跟鞋和一个蓝色的伊夫圣罗兰礼服。