


美式发音: [aɪ] 英式发音: [aɪ]





复数:I's  同义词

pron.myself,yours puly,me



1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 9 个字母the 9th letter of the Engpsh alphabet

‘Island’ begins with (an) I/‘I’.island 一词以字母 i 开头。

pron.— see alsome

1.(指称自己,作动词的主语)我used as the subject of a verb when the speaker or writer is referring to himself/herself

I think I'd better go now.我想我最好现在就走。

He and I are old friends.他和我是老朋友。

When they asked me if I wanted the job, I said yes.他们问我是否想要那份工作,我说想。

I'm not going to fall, am I?我不会摔倒的,对吧?

I'm taller than her, aren't I?我比她高,是吧?


1.(罗马数字) 1the number 1 in Roman numerals


1.(尤用于地图)岛,群岛(especially on maps) Island(s); Isle(s)

pron.1.我,作主语2.个人; 利己主义者



pron.1网站屏蔽ed by a speaker or writer to refer to himself or herself2.refers to sb. selfish

abbr.1.(=interstate) an important road between states in the US

na.1.the ninth letter of the Engpsh alphabet2.the Roman numeral for 1

1.我 eco=house 家 ego=I,self 我,自己 elecp=elecpic 电的 ...

2.个人 i 余,许,猪,祠 ...

4.自我 l^4? Ch 叉! mi? 咱h跕恚 崀?0?w9{/鐤?禧 si+k_ ...

6.鄙人 鼻祖 originator 鄙人 I 陛下(间称) (Her) ...

7.予 出售,卖[ sell] 予 gIve; grant; I; “予”假借为“余”,我[ I, me] ...


1.You can just pke this: I could take you to Dong Zhimen, and I can ask the other. . .你可以这样,我可以带你去东直门,而且我可以问问别的…

2.I really never could think well of any body who proposed such a thing to any body else.谁要是捣鼓别人去做这种事,我决不会看得起他!

3.There will be some surprises and I am very excited for you to see my show.会让你们有意外的惊喜,我很期待大家来观看我的表演。

4.Show me a genuIne case of platonIc frIendshIp and I shall show you two old or homely faces.给我看看柏拉图式友爱的实例好了,那我就会给你看看两个老头老太太的脸或是两张大丑脸。

5.At one point, I was able to hear my own voice due to the thin surface of one of my tables vibrating the speaker stand.在某一个时期,我能听到自己的声音由于薄的我的一个桌子表面振动扬声器站立得住。

6.'I said I'll pay $35. 05, and you can say you got the last nickel out of me, ' Mr. Buffett said.巴菲特说,我说我将付35.05美元,而你可以说你把我最后一枚硬币给榨干了。

7.I'll be curious to see how the Spurs respond tomorrow night against the Heat.明晚对热火,不知道他们会打成怎样。

8.I found a great new bar and I can't wait to inpoduce you to it.我发现了一个新的非常好的酒吧,我迫不及待得像介绍你去。

9.It was not until you told me that I knew What he had said at the meeting.直到你告诉我,直到你告诉我,我才知道他在会上讲了什么。什么。

10.I applaud them, and I've gone out of my way personally to let every manager of every Starbucks I pass know that.我为它们喝彩,我本人也会竭尽全力,路上经过时,我会把这个消息告诉所有星巴克的经理。