

caller:[英 [ˈkɔ:lə(r)] 美 [ˈkɔlɚ] ]



caller 基本解释

名词呼叫者; 召集者; 访问者; 打电话者


caller 相关例句


1. The operator told the caller that the line is busy.


2. caller的反义词

2. I'm sorry, caller, the number is engaged.


3. He is one of the regular callers here.


caller 情景对话

Inquiring about products-(询问产品)

A:You seem to be interested in our new J7 cellular telephone. Would you like to know more about it?

您似乎对我们新型的J7 行动电话很感兴趣。您想知道更多的信息吗?

B:Yes, I would. What does this button here do?


A:That button is for our call screening function. It allows you to identify the caller before you answer the call.


B:What else can you tell me about this phone?


A:This special phone utilizes state-of-the-art technology to bring you several unique functions in addition to the call screening feature.



B:So, what are the unique functions?



A:Oh, its loaded with them. If you are outside of your service area, this cell phone can still receive messages.


B:No kidding?



A:In addition to that, it has a vibration feature that will let you know when you have a call if you dont want the ringing sound to interrupt important meetings. Here is our brochure with all the details.


B:What is the price of the J7 model?

J7 这一型的价格是多少?

A:The list price is US$110 per unit. Were offering a special in-show discount of 10%.


B:Well, Ill have to contact my office and get back to you. Thanks.


caller 网络解释

1. 调用方:根 据前提条件来判断,检查的义务无疑落在调用方(caller). 如果责任划分不明确,则我们或者需要设置太多的检查--每一方都要检查,或者需要太少的检查--每一方都期望对方进行检查. 检查太多是很糟糕的,因为它会造成大量重复的代码,

2. 调用程序:举例,有调用程序(Caller)和被调用程序(Callee),两者间调用接口用的参数list是P. Caller没有把P内的Pi域中的初值设定为,所以Callee侧是异常操作. 二、 构建对等网文件共享系统的激励机制. 这一部分首先分析了P2P网络中参与者之间对网络资源的竞争关系,

3. 打电话者:而 Forgotten 的栏位则是会显示家 庭成员应该携带而不在身上的物品.图 12 物品备忘系统介面 3.4 网路电话服务 [7] 网路电话服务能够依情境提供无所不在的服务,例如:当家中没有人时电话响了,妙管家主动 检查打电话者(Caller)的身份,发现是阿公打电话来,

caller 双语例句

1. caller的翻译

1. Great for testing Caller ID boxes, setting up display units in retail stores, gags and pranks, or vanity use!


2. Control of the caller ID Setting - Able to havethe userown home, cell phone, or business phone number show up ontheir call recipients` Caller ID system.


3. caller

3. CallAccounting. com that captured the ANI of the caller and looked for an outgoing call with that same number.

CallAccounting.com 上可以生成报告,列出所捕捉到的呼叫方的 ANI以及找到的具有相同电话号码的出局电话。

4. Such information can be PCM-encoded digital voice, digital video, digital facsimile, or whatever you can squeeze into a 64 Kbps full-duplex channel. The D channel is intended primarily for signaling and control information, including call setup, call maintenance and monitoring, call teardown, Caller ID, and Name ID.

信息可以是PCM译码数字语音,数字视频、数字传真或者是你能够加载到64 Kbps全双工信道中的任意信息。D信道主要用于信令和控制信息传输,包括呼叫建立、呼叫维护和监控、呼叫断开、呼叫方ID以及名称ID。

5. I should be only a visitor, or formal caller


6. We present here an interprocedural analysis framework which will demonstrate that the most important issues for any effective interprocedural analysis to deal with is: intraprocedural analysis, dataflow information propagation from caller procedure to callee procedure and propagation from callee procedure to caller procedure.



7. When calling remote methods, transaction maker is in the blocked status before the calling procedure returns. The transaction proceeds after the caller procedure returns successfully.


8. Through defining busyness and importance as fuzzy parameters, and designing fuzzy inference rule by adopting IF-THEN rule, the intelligent network system possesses some intelligent functions, such as according to the schedule and service indicator information from user to reason the present state of user, searching the importance of caller, making the policy to receive or not through synthetic judgment as user`s Agent, and providing the service conformed to the intention of user by active way etc.


9. If someone is making a call from their cell phone, for example, and doesn't want the recipient to have the cell phone number, the caller could use spoofing technology to display their office number instead, he said.


10. caller

10. If the subscriber has good credit, the cable company sends a coded message down its cable network to the caller's set-top cable box/converter.


11. If none of the records in the customer database include the caller number, the system displays a blank record.


12. Customer satisfaction is our principle of service, welcome friends all over the printing industry to visit the guide, negotiate the purchase or advisory letter from the caller.


13. Added to show the caller number property when the system found it.


14. In vacation and due to high costs you not specified LAN't want to answer the call but you want to let the caller know that you are in vacation.-.


15. It is important to go back first and see what the Taiwanese government has done to the people of this country, one caller from Zomba said in her contribution to the programme.


16. Believe everybody knows the comparison of present rich guest examine and verify is strict, cannot put series of a few belles and sensitive topic, my article is written marine female Yan Hong, everybody knows what pay close attention to very much on the network to this topic is recently, but such topic you are written on the front perhaps did not go up more in rich guest can examine and verify goes, I had not been done so, when I just am writing this article, was experienced what wrote oneself and comment on, everybody perhaps knows a bit SEO, know what is caption party, can attract the eyeball of caller, still do not let examine and verify give refuse, caption put a bit brighter, the netizen that write a place loves the information that look and pays close attention to most most, such your hits are tall, here, how does that go discharge guides oneself website, such I doing, in the ending of every article, add on one piece of on one page and the picture of below one page, create a kind of feeling that still has below one page to caller so, click went in, be about to see oneself changed, how to go tarry caller, leave everybody to thought according to oneself here!


17. When an autonomous PL/SQL block is entered, the transaction context of the caller is suspended.

当一个自治的 PL/SQL 程序结构开始运行时,调用者的事务上下文环境就被挂起。

18. He is one of the regular caller s here.


19. Few phones, text messages have not been too many friends to choose the proposed sign Shenzhou Xing or Shenzhou Xing, the nature of these two cards is no big difference between smart cards are operational, the cost of local calls is the same And 0.60 yuan/minute to support IP telephones, network send SMS 0.15 yuan/article, it is noteworthy that the signing Shenzhou Xing need to register their personal capacity, so as to enjoy more mobile services, the cost does not limit the use, without the need for Registration of personal identity can only enjoy the Shenzhou Xing calls, SMS and caller ID business-to-deposit rates by time-bound!


20. Polling is the fax mode of operation where the caller requests the remote answering machine to send a fax.


caller 词典解释

1. 打电话的人

A caller is a person who is making a telephone call.

e.g. An anonymous caller told police what had happened.


2. 来访者;探望者

A caller is a person who comes to see you for a short visit.

e.g. She ushered her callers into a cluttered living-room.


caller 单语例句

1. " So I've got this squirrel, " one caller informed Olsen.

2. The software provides different background noises that make its sound like the caller is in a different environment than he or she actually is.

3. Soon after the caller received phone calls threatening exposure or harm if they didn't pay thousands of dollars for tickets to a nightclub.

4. " Some people have gone to Karachi and will carry out an attack at the consulate, " the caller was quoted as saying by an anonymous security official.

5. A caveat is that recipients see numbers on their Caller IDs that are different than the cell numbers of the people calling them.

6. After she said it's not true, the caller tricked her into believing someone stole her ID card and opened an account.

7. She said the 911 caller was interviewed on Saturday and investigators might speak with other people who were at the scene.

8. " I've never taken much interest in him or his missus but he sounds great, " one caller said.

9. Police officers answered some calls for the grandmother and heard a female caller make threats.

10. Police thought the caller was a drunken driver and sent 10 officials in search for him.

caller什么意思caller 英英释义


1. a social or business visitor

e.g. the room was a mess because he hadn't expected company

Synonym: company

2. the person initiating a telephone call

e.g. there were so many callers that he finally disconnected the telephone

Synonym: caller-upphonertelephoner

3. the person who convenes a meeting

e.g. who is the caller of this meeting?

4. someone who proclaims or summons in a loud voice

e.g. the callers were mothers summoning their children home for dinner

5. a person who announces the changes of steps during a dance

e.g. you need a fiddler and a caller for country dancing

Synonym: caller-out

6. the bettor in a card game who matches the bet and calls for a show of hands

7. an investor who buys a call option


1. fresh

e.g. caller fish

2. providing coolness

e.g. a cooling breeze

`caller' is a Scottish term as in `a caller breeze'