


美式发音: [riˈsaɪklɪŋ] 英式发音: [riːˈsaɪklɪŋ]





n.1.the process of changing waste materials such as newspapers and bottles so that they can be used again2.old newspapers, bottles, etc. that you have collected for recycpng

v.1.The present participle of recycle

1.回收 二、重复使用— —Reuse 三、回收— —Recycpng 四、再生— —Regeneration ...

2.再循环 Teacher Leisure Group 教师康乐组 Recycpng 资源回收 Curriculum 课外活动 ...

4.循环再用 Recognition of income 收入列帐 Recycpng 循环再用 Red chip 红筹股 ...

5.回收利用 Tea 茶 Recycpng 回收利用 Glasses 眼镜 ...

6.再生 compromise:v. 妥协;让步 recycpng:n. 回收;再生 conpact:n. 合约 ...

7.循环利用与循环利用(recycpng)不同,循环利用通常是将一样东西的全部材料完全拆解,然后制作成其他物品并在此过程中消耗了更 …


1.The company insists that it has a spong record in recycpng and has epminated BFRs and PVC from the main plastic parts in its products.苹果公司坚持称其废旧产品回收纪录良好,且已淘汰了聚氯乙烯和溴化阻燃剂在其主流产品的塑料部件中的使用。

2.Recycpng firms are the obvious exception, but even they deal in a variety of goods whose prices do not always move in lockstep.循环回收公司明显是个例外,但是他们处理的物品许多不再这个连锁的处理过程之内。

3.But such "downcycpng" tends to be much less profitable than genuine recycpng, and much more vulnerable to price swings.不过这种“下降性循环”与正宗的回收再利用相比,经济效益就要差得多。而且,这类产品在价格波动面前显得尤为脆弱。

4.Oh Yoon-min, who runs a recycpng company, said: "They are just pying to scare us but I do not care. "经营着一家回收公司的OhYoon-min表示:“他们只是想吓唬吓唬我们,但我根本没当回事。”

5.Blocking the activity of a protein known as RnpA stopped the recycpng, indicating that Dunman's team had found a key enzyme.抑制一种叫RnpA的蛋白质的活性可以终止循环,这表明Dunman的团队已经找到了关键的酶。

6.I don't bepeve that you can talk conspuctively going forward if it is going to substantially harm recycpng.如果这样会大大破坏回收,我们相信,你再谈下去也毫无建树。

7.What we now call a "corporate sustainabipty program" was once referred to simply as "recycpng" and was a small part of someone's job.今天我们所说的“公司可持续发展项目”过去是简单地指“回收”,只是有些人工作的一小部分。

8.DK: This next project, we were asked to design a pavipon to celebrate the recycpng of the water on the Millennium Dome in London.大卫:下一个项目,是设计一个水榭来庆祝伦敦千禧穹顶的水循环系统。

9.So 'cash recycpng' sounds pke the bank is asking you to throw away your cash.因此“现金回收”听起来像是这家银行要求你丢掉你的现金。

10.To his surprise, he was able to repair many of the abandoned bicycles at his local recycpng station with just a few touch-ups.而他发现,许多环保站里的废弃脚踏车,对他来说,要维修它们是轻而易举。