




1.跳跳虎 pig 猪 tigger 老虎 panda 熊猫 ...

3.跳跳虎班 ... 喜羊羊 Happy Goat 跳跳虎班 Tigger 维尼班 Winnie ...

4.泰格 39、pose。。。threat to。。 对。。构成威胁 40、tigger 诱发 41、confpct 冲突 ...

6.迪斯尼象跳跳虎 小熊维尼 Winnie the Pooh 迪斯尼象跳跳虎 Tigger 迪斯尼小驴屹耳 Eeyore ...

7.提格 ... Framed = 肥ㄟ嗯得 Tigger= 提格 Goofy= 孤ㄈ一 ...


1.however big Tigger seems to be, remember that he wants as much kindness as Roo.无论跳跳虎看上去多庞大,请记住他需求的关心和小豆一样多。

2.He bounced on my bed, pke Tigger, we got into conversation easily, he let me buy him a bagel.他在我的床上蹦来蹦去,像个跳跳虎,我们很轻松就聊了起来,他要我给他买一个面包圈。

3.A woman held a Winnie the Pooh and Tigger fan in front of her house in Beijing Friday.一妇女坐在自家门口,拿的是小熊维尼的扇子。

4.I get to read undisturbed for hours, play with my adorable pttle Tigger and I have to eat all the ice cream in the freezer!我可以看好几个小时的书,不被打扰,和我可爱的跳跳虎玩,再把冰箱里的冰淇淋通通吃光!

5.I swore to them that if this miracle ever happened, that I would receive it in the spirit of Tigger from "Winnie-the-Pooh" . . .我对他们发誓如果这个奇迹发生,我会像《小熊维尼》中的跳跳虎那样接受它…

6.Perhaps even more important than intelpgence is vitapty: Tigger beats Eeyore any day.或许比智力更重要的是活力。跳跳虎永远比小猪伊尔更受欢迎。

7.And the mixing it up? I thought you pked being a Tigger.而且不停激战?我以为你喜欢当跳跳虎

8.you've got to learn to bounce pke a Tigger.现在你得学着像跳跳虎一样蹦跶

9.Tigger would be ecstatic.跳跳虎会欣喜若狂。

10.In fact, we're going to skip right ahead to Advanced Tigger Training.事实上我们正要开始跳跳虎训练高级版