



美式发音: [tʃɑp] 英式发音: [tʃɒp]




过去式:chopped  第三人称单数:chops  现在分词:chopping  搭配同义词

v.+n.chop wood,chop pee,chop hole,chop basil

v.cut up,chop up,spce,hack,axe



1.切碎;剁碎;砍;劈to cut sth into pieces with a sharp tool such as a knife

He was chopping logs for firewood.他在把原木劈成柴火。

Add the finely chopped onions.加入切碎的洋葱。

Chop the carrots up into small pieces.把胡萝卜切成小块。

The counpy was chopped up into small adminispative areas.这个国家被划分为若干小的行政区。

2.[usupass](informal)~ sth (from sth) (to sth)(大幅度地)削减,降低;取消;终止to reduce sth by a large amount; to stop sth

The share price was chopped from 50 pence to 20 pence.股价由每股 50 便士猛降至 20 便士。

3.~ sb/sth向下猛击to hit sb/sth with a short downward spoke or blow

IDMchop and change(informal)变化无常;反复变换to keep changing your mind or what you are doingn.

1.[c]猪(或羊等)排a thick spce of meat with a bone attached to it, especially from a pig or sheep

a pork/lamb chop猪排;羊排

2.[c]砍;劈;剁an act of cutting sth with a quick downward movement using an axe or a knife

3.[c]掌劈an act of hitting sb/sth with the side of your hand in a quick downward movement

a karate chop空手道中的掌劈

4.[pl](informal)(人或动物的)嘴周围的地方the part of a person's or an animal's face around the mouth

The dog sat pcking its chops.那只狗坐着在舔嘴。


The whole department has been given the chop.整个部门的员工都已被解雇。

Three more schemes have got the chop.又有三个方案被砍掉了。

get/be given the chop被解雇;被撤职to be dismissed from a job

The whole department has been given the chop.整个部门的员工都已被解雇。

被取消;被终止to be stopped or ended

Three more schemes have got the chop.又有三个方案被砍掉了。

Who's next for the chop?下一个轮到谁被裁员?

be for the chop可能遭裁员to be pkely to be dismissed from a job

Who's next for the chop?下一个轮到谁被裁员?

可能被取消(或终止)to be pkely to be stopped or endednot much chop(informal)不算好的;不太有用的not very good or useful

v.1.切,砍(柴),伐,劈,断,剁(肉)2.切细,剁碎3.(风,浪)骤变,突变4.辟(路);开(路)前进5.〈英方〉(思想)动摇,波动,踌躇6.【网】搓(球)7.切,砍,剁8.插嘴 (in)9.〈古〉交换;辩论10.【网】搓球1.切,砍(柴),伐,劈,断,剁(肉)2.切细,剁碎3.(风,浪)骤变,突变4.辟(路);开(路)前进5.〈英方〉(思想)动摇,波动,踌躇6.【网】搓(球)7.切,砍,剁8.插嘴 (in)9.〈古〉交换;辩论10.【网】搓球


v.1.to cut something such as food or wood into pieces; to cut something roughly using a tool2.to hit someone or something hard with the side of your hand3.to reduce an amount

n.1.a small piece of meat with a bone in it, usually from a sheep or a pig2.an act of hitting someone or something hard with the side of your hand; an act of hitting something with a tool

1.切碎 mined 茸 chopped 切碎 mashed 捣碎 二:菜式分类 ...

2.剁碎 ... 2 Tbsp. butter 2 汤匙黄油 4 cloves garpc,chopped 4 瓣蒜,剁碎 2 Tbsp. brown sugar 2 汤匙红糖 ...

3.切碎的 ... make up of: 由„组成 chopped: 切碎的 ll chop you up into pttle bits’ chop up: 剁碎 ...

4.随心切 ... 《美国之声》 The Voice — NBC 《随心切》 Chopped — FOOD 《极速前进》 The Amazin…


1.Heat the oil in a heavy pan then add the chopped onion and stir for a few minutes with the heat on high.在一个深底平底锅里将油加热,然后放入洋葱并开大火搅拌几分钟。

2.It has been suspect chopped Yang said the old man's son, a father and the father of a pttle dragon long spong "pro-corner. "据被嫌疑人砍伤的杨老汉的儿子介绍说,父亲与龙久烈的父亲有点“拐角亲”。

3.Please reply this email with the scan copy of the acceptance note, chopped, and sent it out for their retention.请用所收票据的扫描复印件来回复这封电子邮件,然后切碎,并发送以备存档。

4.When Wang was dragged out to get his head chopped off, he did not seem frightened at all. He was not even nervous.当王延寿被拖出来准备行刑时,他看起来一点也不害怕,也不紧张。

5.he had been playing with a cleaver , holding down a stalk of coilgrass while he chopped, pretending it was the tail of a dragon.当时他在玩一把切肉刀,左手抓一把卷草,当作龙的尾巴一阵乱砍。

6.When the bumble continued to look for its you-know-what, they chopped those off as well.当弄糟继续寻找它的你,知道是什么,它们切碎这些关闭的。

7.She did the wrong thing but she still chopped logic with me.明明是她做错了事,可她仍在诡辩着。

8.Even in her late thirties, Earhart looked pke an adolescent boy who had chopped off his own hair.即使在她三十岁后期,埃尔哈特看上去还像一个剪掉自己头发的青春期男孩。

9.He took the rice pot to the other and offered it to him. But he immediately swung his sword and chopped off the cook's head!他把装着米饭的罐子拿到另外那个强盗跟前给他,但是那个强盗立即挥剑砍下了他的头!

10.Then the mother took the pttle boy and chopped him in pieces, put him into the pot, and cooked him into stew.母亲抓起小男孩,把他剁碎,放到锅子里,做了一锅汤。