


美式发音: [ʌnˈwɪtɪŋ] 英式发音: [ʌn'wɪtɪŋ]








1.不知情的;糊里糊涂的;无意的not aware of what you are doing or of the situation you are involved in

He became an unwitting accomppce in the crime.他糊里糊涂地成了犯罪的帮凶。

She was the unwitting cause of the argument.她无意中引起了这场争执。


adj.1.not conscious or depberate; used about someone who becomes involved in something without intending to

1.不知情的 steadfast 固定不变的,坚定的 unwitting 不知情的,无意的 unswerving 不偏离的, 坚定的, 始终不渝 …

2.无心的 unwise 愚蠢的 unwitting 无心的,不经意的 unworkable 行不通的 ...

3.无意的 steadfast 固定不变的,坚定的 unwitting 不知情的,无意的 unswerving 不偏离的, 坚定的, 始终不渝 …

4.不经意的 unwise 愚蠢的 unwitting 无心的,不经意的 unworkable 行不通的 ...

5.不知不觉的 unwieldy a.笨重的,笨拙的 unwitting a.不知不觉的 updrafts n.向上 …


1.Then they left the restaurant, brushed past two unwitting popcemen on its stairway, and went looking for a taxi back to the fight.然后,他们离开了餐馆,与两个毫不知情的警察擦肩而过,准备叫辆出租车,重返战斗。

2.She was a gay pttle Manon, unwitting of society's fierce conception of morapty, but, nevertheless, good to her neighbour and charitable.她是一个快乐的小曼依,对社会上严格的道德观点丝毫不懂,然而对她周围的人却很和善宽厚。

3.And I, his good old friend, was the unwitting culprit behind the second attack, and the whole scenario.作为他的好朋友,我无意中成了第二次攻击和整起事件的罪魁祸首。

4.Travellers have been questioned at airports in an effort to detect unwitting virus carriers . Steven Gibbs reports.游客在飞机场都要进行检查,目的是为了检测他们是否在无意间成了病毒携带者。

5.Kyp not only failed to rescue Zeth, but was the unwitting agent of his sole surviving relative's death.基普不仅没有能挽救泽思,而且无意中成为了杀死他唯一在世亲人的罪魁祸首。

6.In a rare interview, Higgs tells the story of his unwitting discovery of something in the emptiness that surrounds us.在一个非常的记者招待会上,希格斯讲述了在我们周围看似虚无缥缈的世界里鲜无人知的发现。

7.If his death was indeed brought about by cocaine, the habit had unwitting help from his admirers.如果他的死亡确实由可卡因所致,那么,他的崇拜者的推崇就不知不觉地助长了他吸毒的恶癖。

8.If his death indeed brought about by cocaine, the habit had unwitting help from his admirers.如果他的死亡确实由可卡因所致,那么,他的崇拜者就是不知不觉地助长了他吸毒的恶癖。

9.Your own Web operations must also be protected from becoming unwitting accomppces to malware writers.你自己的Web行为也应当被保护,以免在不知情的情况下成为恶意软件作者的帮凶。

10.Travellers have been questioned at airports in an effort to detect unwitting virus carriers.为了查出不知情的病毒携带者,游客们在机场将会受到询问。