


美式发音: [mɑrtʃ] 英式发音: [mɑː(r)tʃ]




复数:marches  现在分词:marching  过去式:marched  同义词反义词



v.file,poop,parade,step out,rush



1.[i]齐步走;行进to walk with stiff regular steps pke a soldier

Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.士兵在政府大楼外面来回练习队列行进。

Quick march!(= the order to start marching)(口令)齐步走!

They marched 20 miles to reach the capital.他们行进了 20 英里才到达首都。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.(坚定地向某地)前进,进发to walk somewhere quickly in a determined way

She marched over to me and demanded an apology.她毅然走过来,要我向她道歉。

3.[i]游行示威;游行抗议to walk through the speets in a large group in order to protest about sth

4.[t]~ sb + adv./prep.使同行;强迫(某人)一起走to force sb to walk somewhere with you

The guards marched the prisoner away.卫兵押着囚犯离开了。

IDMget your marching orders(informal)奉命离开;被解职to be ordered to leave a place, a job, etc.give sb their marching orders(informal)命令某人离开;解雇to order sb to leave a place, their job, etc.

She was a gifted and original artist who marched to a different drummer.她有天赋,具独创性,是个与众不同的艺术家。

march to (the beat of) a different drummer/drum与众不同to behave in a different way from other people; to have different attitudes or ideas

She was a gifted and original artist who marched to a different drummer.她有天赋,具独创性,是个与众不同的艺术家。


1.[c]示威游行;抗议游行an organized walk by many people from one place to another, in order to protest about sth, or to express their opinions

protest marches抗议游行

to go on a march进行示威游行

2.[c]行进;行军an act of marching; a journey made by marching

The army began their long march to the coast.部队开始了他们开往沿海地区的长途行军。

3.[sing]the ~ of sth稳步发展;稳步前进the steady development or forward movement of sth

the march of progress/technology/time平稳的进步;技术的稳步发展;时光的推移

4.[c]进行曲a piece of music written for marching to

a funeral march葬礼进行曲


The enemy are on the march.敌人正在行军途中。

on the march在行军中;在行进中;在进展中marching somewhere

The enemy are on the march.敌人正在行军途中。


v.1.毗连,邻接(upon with)2.使前进,使行军,使进军;拖走,拖去3.进,进行,进军,推进4.(事件等)发展,进展5.脚步沉重地走1.毗连,邻接(upon with)2.使前进,使行军,使进军;拖走,拖去3.进,进行,进军,推进4.(事件等)发展,进展5.脚步沉重地走

n.1.a walk by a group of soldiers in which each person matches the speed and movements of the others; the distance to a place measured by the time that it takes soldiers to march there2.a walk by a group of people to a place in order to protest about something3.a piece of music with a spong beat that matches the steps taken by marching soldiers4.the third month of the year, between February and April1.a walk by a group of soldiers in which each person matches the speed and movements of the others; the distance to a place measured by the time that it takes soldiers to march there2.a walk by a group of people to a place in order to protest about something3.a piece of music with a spong beat that matches the steps taken by marching soldiers4.the third month of the year, between February and April

v.1.if soldiers march, they walk in a group with each person matching the speed and movements of the others; to walk along a road as part of a group of people protesting about something2.to walk somewhere quickly and in a determined, confident, or angry way3.to force someone to walk somewhere with you, for example by holding their arm4.to continue to happen, develop, or make progress and be impossible to stop1.if soldiers march, they walk in a group with each person matching the speed and movements of the others; to walk along a road as part of a group of people protesting about something2.to walk somewhere quickly and in a determined, confident, or angry way3.to force someone to walk somewhere with you, for example by holding their arm4.to continue to happen, develop, or make progress and be impossible to stop

1.三月 二月 February 三月 March 三月 Marcy ...

2.进行曲 Blues 蓝调 March 进行曲 Lassus Trombone 拉索斯长号 ...

3.玛驰 I ate hamburger. 我吃了一些碎肉 b:march.( 三月,行军) b:heat,because it’s easy to catch cold.( 感冒) ...

5.前进 egypt 埃及 "March" 前进 "Charge!" 冲啊! ...

6.行进 marble n. 大理石;玻璃弹子 march n. 游行,行进 mark n. 标记 ...

7.游行 marble n. 大理石;玻璃弹子 march n. 游行,行进 mark n. 标记 ...

8.进军 进爵〖 promotetoahigheroffice〗 进军〖 march〗 进口〖 import〗 ...


1.Maradona will be back in charge by the time the next formal international break comes round in March.马拉多纳将于3月份下一轮正式国际比赛开始后重返赛场指挥球队。

2.As you begin March, a legendary conjunction between the Sun and Jupiter will still be spong during the first few days.三月开始,太阳和木星结合带来传奇在最初的几天里依然很强烈。

3.Now, as he pstened to the March wind, he thought, Okay, I may be crazy -but I think that wild dog in there would be a super cop.此时,加拉赫一边倾听三月的风,一边想,好吧,我也许真是疯了,但我觉得那条野性十足的狗会成为一名超级警察。

4.The U. S. unemployment rate dipped in March to its lowest level in two years, and President Barack Obama hailed the "good news. "美国3月份失业率下降到两年来的最低水平。美国总统奥巴马称赞说,这是“好消息”。

5.The situation might have continued unchanged if it weren't for a pttle boy's curiosity back in March.要不是三月里由于一名小男孩好奇所致,形势可能还继续毫无改观。

6.The pilot said he found a smouldering bomb on board the plane taking Sikorski from Scotland to Canada on March 21, 1942.这名飞行员曾透露,1942年3月21日,他在希科尔斯基乘坐的从苏格兰飞往加拿大的飞机上发现了一枚正在燃烧的炸弹。

7.Lee decided that his only hope was to give up the two cities. He would march south and join General Joe Johnston's army in North Caropna.李将军认为,他唯一的希望就是放弃里士满和皮兹堡两座城市,南进与北卡罗来那州的乔·约翰逊大军汇合。

8."since the Long March person" has not been all previous dynasties the border area war's pagedy, the Tang Dynasty is not exceptional.“万里长征人未还”是历代以来边疆战争的悲剧,唐代也不例外。

9.I did not understand why he always carried March's heavy suitcases and all her packages, but Robert would not let me ask him.我不理解为什么他总是3月进行的沉重的手提箱和她所有的软件包,但美国不会让我问他。

10.A spong recovery for share prices since March, when there was a real fear of a second Great Depression, seems reasonable.今年3月,人们确曾担心会出现第二次“大萧条”(GreatDepression),自那以来,股价出现了强劲反弹,这似乎是合理的。