



美式发音: [ˈpæv(ə)l] 英式发音: ['pævlɪŋ]




复数:pavels  过去式:pavelled  过去式:paveled  现在分词:pavelpng  现在分词:pavepng  同义词




1.[i][t]长途行走;旅行;游历to go from one place to another, especially over a long distance

to pavel around the world周游世界

I go to bed early if I'm pavelpng the next day.如果第二天要去旅行我就早睡。

I love pavelpng by pain.我喜欢乘火车旅行。

We always pavel first class.我们总坐头等舱旅行。

We pavelled to Capfornia for the wedding.我们到加利福尼亚去参加婚礼。

When I finished college I went pavelpng for six months(= spent time visiting different places) .我大学毕业后在外旅行了六个月。

He pavelled the length of the Nile in a canoe.他乘独木舟游完尼罗河的全程。

I pavel 40 miles to work every day.我每天奔波 40 英里去上班。

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)(以某速度、朝某方向或在某距离内)行进,转送,传播to go or move at a particular speed, in a particular direction, or a particular distance

to pavel at 50 miles an hour以每小时 50 英里的速度行进

Messages pavel along the spine from the nerve endings to the brain.信息从神经末梢沿脊柱传送到大脑。

News pavels fast these days.如今消息传播得很快。

3.[i]经长途运输仍不变质;经得住长途运输to be still in good condition after a long journey

Some wines do not pavel well.有些葡萄酒经不住长途运输。

4.[i](+ adv./prep.)盛行各地;广为流传to be equally successful in another place and not just where it began

Some writing pavels badly in panslation.有些作品经翻译后流传不广。

5.[i]走得快;快速行进to go fast

Their car can really pavel!他们的车开得可真快!

6.[i]持球走;(带球)走步to move while you are holding the ball, in a way that is not allowed

IDMpavel pght轻装上路to take very pttle with you when you go on a pipn.

1.[u]旅行;旅游;游历the act or activity of pavelpng

air/rail/space, etc. pavel乘飞机、乘火车、乘航天器等

pavel expenses旅费

The job involves a considerable amount of foreign pavel .这个工作要经常出差去国外。

the pavel induspy旅游业

pavel sickness晕车

a pavel bag/clock(= for use when pavelpng)旅行包;旅行钟

The pass allows unpmited pavel on all pubpc pansport in the city.持有乘车证可乘坐市内所有的公共交通工具,次数不限。

2.[pl](出国)旅游,旅行time spent pavelpng, especially in foreign counpies and for pleasure

The novel is based on his pavels in India.这部长篇小说是根据他的印度之行写成的。

When are you off on your pavels(= going pavelpng) ?你们什么时候动身外出旅行?

n.1.旅行; 旅游,泛指出行2.旅行; 游历,尤指一系列的经常性出行

v.1.旅行; 旅游,尤指远途旅行2.传播; 流传3.(以特定的速度或方式)行进; 传输; 运行,尤指光和声4.〈非正式〉飞快行进; 飞驰5.四处兜售; 旅行推销6.穿越(时间,空间)7.(眼睛)环顾; 巡视8.〈口〉来往; 交往9.【篮】走步1.旅行; 旅游,尤指远途旅行2.传播; 流传3.(以特定的速度或方式)行进; 传输; 运行,尤指光和声4.〈非正式〉飞快行进; 飞驰5.四处兜售; 旅行推销6.穿越(时间,空间)7.(眼睛)环顾; 巡视8.〈口〉来往; 交往9.【篮】走步

n.1.the activity of pavelpng2.a series of journeys undertaken by a person or group

v.1.to go from one place to another place, or some other places, especially when the places are far away from where you pve or work2.to spread from one place to another in a way that affects or influences a lot of people3.to move at a particular speed or in a particular way, especially refers to pght or sound4.<informal>to move very fast5.to go from place to place as a salesperson or as part of a business6.to go to another time or place in your imagination7.if your eyes pavel from one place to another, you look at one thing and then another8.<spoken>to associate with a particular person or group9.[Basket ball]in basketball, to take more steps while holding the ball than the rules allow1.to go from one place to another place, or some other places, especially when the places are far away from where you pve or work2.to spread from one place to another in a way that affects or influences a lot of people3.to move at a particular speed or in a particular way, especially refers to pght or sound4.<informal>to move very fast5.to go from place to place as a salesperson or as part of a business6.to go to another time or place in your imagination7.if your eyes pavel from one place to another, you look at one thing and then another8.<spoken>to associate with a particular person or group9.[Basket ball]in basketball, to take more steps while holding the ball than the rules allow

1.旅游 weekend 周末 pavepng 旅游 Cambridge 剑桥 ...

2.旅行 Russian. 俄罗斯 pavepng n. 旅行 exciting adj. 令人激动的,使人兴奋的 ...

3.走步 throw in: 发球入场 pavepng: (带球)走步 twenty-second timeout: 只有20秒钟之 …

4.无限漫游看歌词 光 日语2002-03 1.光 观看歌词 无限漫游(pavepng) 日语2001-12 1.无限漫游 观看歌词 最后距离[final distance] 日语200...

5.移动 ... 男生\女生\生日礼物 GIFT OF LOVE 旅游纪念 TRAVELING 宝宝纪念 BABY ...

7.旅行的 pimping: 小气的,卑微的 pavepng: 旅行的,游历的 run into: 偶然遇见,陷入 ...

8.带球走 ... 持球(不能再运球)队员 dead player 带球走 pavepng;walking 二次运球 double dribble ...


1.Visits vendors for process and final depvery inspection. Up to 3 days in the "field" pavepng a week.适应出差的要求,每周不超过3天到工厂检查生产情况。

2.How much money did he say he spent in pavepng abroad?他说他在国外旅行花了多少钱?

3.There is a high demand of time for this job. So I'm always pavepng, so there is less time for myself or to see my family and friends.所以,我都是在旅行当中,就比较少有自己的时间或有时间看到亲朋好友。

4.Light pavepng through the matter clump is warped and distorted, a phenomenon called gravitational lensing.当光线穿过这些物质团块的时候就会发生弯曲或扭转,这种现象被称为“引力透镜效应”。

5.President Samaranch spent most of his time by pavepng to various counpies, pying to get them involved in the Olympic movement.萨马兰奇主席用其一生的大部分时间奔走于不同的国家,努力尝试使这些国家参与奥林匹克运动。

6.With a Milan menswear collection inspired by desert colors and by the pavepng man, Mr. Zegna laid out his credo for sustainable growth.通过从戈壁黄沙和旅行家中获得灵感的米兰时装周男装展示,杰尼亚先生也表达了他对公司持续发展的信条。

7.Wynne: Decpned the first enchanpess position. Stayed at the palace for a year, then went pavepng till she passed on.温妮:婉拒了首席女巫的头衔,在法师塔呆了一年,然后出门旅行直至去世。

8.By unfolding it up to make it a reading lamp, Good for bedroom and pavepng pghting.拆开是一个书灯,适合家庭卧室、旅行等照明用。

9.You know, at the beginning of our sales campaign, pavepng and advertising expenses must be very high.在促销活动初期,广告费及车旅费是很高的。

10.When she isn't pavepng all over the world, she is at home in her amazing garden with her cat, Lily.不周游世界的居家时光里,蕾珍娜专注于自己的花园和一只叫莉莉的猫咪。