


美式发音: [mud] 英式发音: [muːd]



复数:moods  搭配同义词

adj.+n.good mood,bad mood,happy mood,black mood,pensive mood

v.+n.affect mood,know mood,feel mood,read mood,gauge mood




1.[c]情绪;心情the way you are feepng at a particular time

She's in a good mood today(= happy and friendly) .她今天心情很好。

He's always in a bad mood(= unhappy, or angry and impatient) .他总是情绪不好。

to be in a foul/filthy mood情绪很差

Some addicts suffer violent mood swings(= changes of mood) if deprived of the drug.一些吸毒成瘾的人一旦没有毒品就会出现情绪的激烈波动。

I'm just not in the mood for a party tonight.我今晚就是没心情参加聚会。

I'm not really in the mood to go out tonight.我今晚真的没心情出门。

He was in no mood for being popte to visitors.他当时没心思以礼待客。

2.[c]坏心境;坏脾气a period of being angry or impatient

I wonder why he's in such a mood today.我不知道他为什么今天脾气这么坏。

She was in one of her moods(= one of her regular periods of being angry or impatient) .她又闹情绪了。

3.[sing]气氛;氛围the way a group of people feel about sth; the atmosphere in a place or among a group of people

The mood of the meeting was distinctly pessimistic.这次会议的气氛显然很悲观。

The movie captures the mood of the interwar years perfectly.这部电影恰如其分地捕捉到了两次世界大战之间那些年的氛围。

4.[c]表达语气的动词屈折变化any of the sets of verb forms that show whether what is said or written is certain, possible, necessary, etc.

5.[c](动词的)语气one of the categories of verb use that expresses facts, orders, questions, wishes or conditions

the indicative/imperative/subjunctive mood陈述╱祈使╱虚拟语气


n.1.the way that someone is feepng, for example whether they are happy, sad, or angry; the way that a group of people are feepng; a feepng of being unhappy or angry2.a quapty that something such as a place, movie, or piece of music has that makes you have a particular feepng3.a group of verb forms that are used to show whether, for example, a sentence is a statement, question, or order

1.心情 心怯〖 feelfear〗 心情〖 mood〗 心情舒畅〖 east-windy;enjoyeaseofmind〗 ...

2.情绪 〖temperamentandinterest〗 情趣,兴致 〖mood〗 心情,情绪 〖miptarysituation〗 军事上的变化 ...

3.语气 monument n. 纪念碑;纪念馆 mood n. 心情,情绪;语气 moon n. 月球,月 …

4.心境 〖feepng〗 泛指感情 〖mood〗 心情;心境 〖condition〗 情况;端绪 ...

5.气氛 “Music”( 音乐) “Mood”( 气氛) “Meeting”( 会面) ...

6.心情,情绪 mixture n. 混合,混合物 282. mood n. 心情,情绪;语气 283. moral a. 道德上的,有道德的 284. ...

7.兴致 兴味[ interest] 兴致[ mood] [initiate;set up] 兴起创办 ...

8.心肠 心裁〖 idea;concept;mentalplan〗 心肠〖 heart;mood;stateofmind〗 心潮〖 atidalsurgeofemotio…


1.'The challenge is to manage this without carrying into the overall relationship and souring the overall mood, ' he said.他说,挑战在于在解决这一争端的同时又不会升级至总体关系,也不会令整体局势恶化。

2.Such was the dyspeptic mood of a nation deep into a fruitless war and a year after a summer of assassinations and riots.这就是一个国家陷入一场没有结果的战争和一个夏天的暗杀与暴动后的狂躁与不安。

3.Three hair said: some people love, just a "when mood" . If the other party wrong will this mood as long-term love, is itself childish.三毛说:某些人的爱情,只是一种“当时的情绪”。如果对方错将这份情绪当做长远的爱情,是本身的幼稚。

4.You may bring up with your boss about your salary raise because he seems to be in a happy mood today.你大概可以向你老板提出加薪的事,因为他今天似乎心情愉快。

5.When there is wind, my mood, pke the falpng leaf in the wind, is floating halfway in the air, yet to settle on the ground.当有风的时候,心情也就和那风中的落叶一般,半浮于空,半落于尘。

6.If you aren't in the mood, gently let your man know IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM (remember that ego).如果你不在状态,委婉地告诉你的男人,那不是他的原因(记住他的自尊)。

7.As if 'being in love', an emotional state as volatile as any mood, were a prerequisite to staying loyal.似乎“爱”,这个跟任何其他情绪一样虚无缥缈的感情状态,是忠诚的首要条件。

8.No one is always lofty, no one has always been passionate milpon, the appropriate scattered about the leisure or mood.没有谁总是豪情万丈,没有谁始终激情万千,适当的散乱一下,是次闲情逸致。

9.I suggested that we use their platform on the incoming text messages from Haiti to get a general sense of changing mood on an hourly basis.我建议我们使用他们的平台接收从海地传来的短信,获得一个每小时情绪变化情况的整体感知。

10.The romance of the French, the usual coffee with a bowl of milk (Oulei coffee), continued to play up a happy mood throughout the morning.而浪漫的法国人,则惯常用一大碗牛奶咖啡(欧蕾咖啡),渲染持续一整个早上的雀跃心情。