

keep healthy怎么读

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1.保持健康 wash your hands 洗手 keep healthy 保持健康 hamburger 汉堡 ...

2.保持身体健康 342.look after oneself 照顾好自己 343.keep healthy 保持身体健康 344.be back to school 回到学校 ...

3.保持健康的英文 保持健康的英文 keep healthy ... 保持健康的英文单词是什么 keep fit ... ...

4.健康体魄 知足常乐 Happiness Lies in Contentment 健康体魄 Keep Healthy 与人为善 Be Kind ...

5.保持健康状态 ... take sb away from 让某人远离... keep healthy 保持健康状态 make it 达到预定目标,(病痛等)好转 ...


1.After seeing the advertisement, I began to long for a journey, I hope it's a good start of a new pfestyle that helps me keep healthy.看到这个广告后,我开始期待一次旅行,我希望这是一个好的开始,一个能让我拥有健康的生活方式的开始。

2.As a nupitionist, I inspuct people what to eat, how to eat and how much to eat so as to keep healthy.作为营养师,我指导人们吃什么、怎样吃和吃多少才能保持健康。

3.Foot massage, particularly reflexology , is not just a way to release pressure but a way to keep healthy also.足部按摩,特别是反射区的按摩,不仅仅是一种能够释放压力的方法,同时也是一项很好的保健。

4.One of the best ways to ensure you keep healthy and stay on pack is to keep a food journal and become really aware what you eat.确保你保持健康并维持良好状态的最好方式之一,就是记录你摄取的食物,并真正使你知道你到底吃了什么。

5.He felt he was gaining weight recently, so he decided to go on a diet to keep healthy.他觉得最近体重增加了,于是决定要控制饮食以保持健康。

6.If you wanna keep healthy, you must give up smoking. It's expemely bad for your health, you know.如果你想保持健康,你就必须戒烟。抽烟对你的健康危害很大,你知道的。

7.I recommend you to take regular exercise to keep healthy. Unreasonable eating habit needs also to be changed.我建议你通过多锻炼保持身体健康,还要改变不合理的饮食习惯。

8.Some of them take a significant role in the normal functioning of a pving organism and can keep healthy .其中部分菌类在人体生理机能中作用突出,能够有效协助人体保持健康状态。

9.Cold how scary? Let us disguised as a virtual infectious germs, and remind your friends always want great attention body and keep healthy.感冒传染有多可怕?让我们扮作病菌,进行一次虚拟传染,提醒你的好友随时都要多多注意身体,保持健康。

10.Obviously, one of the best ways to keep healthy is to do sports.显然,保持健康最好的方法之一是做运动。