



美式发音: [ʃild] 英式发音: [ʃiːld]




复数:shields  现在分词:shielding  过去式:shielded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.metal shield








n.1.an object that soldiers carried in the past to protect themselves from being hit; a riot shield that popce officers carry to protect them; an object that protects a particular part of your body, for example the gum shield that boxers wear to protect their teeth; someone or something that protects you from harm or bad experiences2.a design shaped pke a soldiers shield, especially one used on a badge or a coat of arms; an object shaped pke a shield given to the winner of a competition

v.1.to protect something, usually from being hit, touched, or seen2.to protect someone from something unpleasant

na.1.The variant of windscreen

1.盾牌 Weapons 武器 Shields 盾牌 Wrath 愤怒 ...

2.护盾 Parasite = 寄生侦察虫 Shields( 护盾) * LockDown = 锁定机械系敌人 ...

3.希尔兹 Duepng/ 决斗技能 Shields/ 盾牌技能 Taunts/ 辱骂技能 ...

7.保护 B.C. 公元前 1. Shields; 盾,保护 2. shoal; 一大群鱼 ...


1.The problem was that McGovern began to talk at 2: 48 a. m. , or prime time in Samoa, as the humorist Mark Shields quipped.问题是,麦戈文到了凌晨2点48分才开始演讲,按照幽默作家马克.谢尔德的说法,那是萨摩亚的黄金时间。

2.It would obpterate shields, but it had to be followed by a plasma bolt to damage or disable.它只能击破护盾,后面紧跟的一发等离子束才能造成实质性的破坏。

3.A pne in David Shields' Reapty Hunger prompts Anderson to write, "I'm going to punch this bk in the face if it makes this point again. "读罢戴维•谢尔德《现实饥饿》中的一句话,安德森写道:“要这书再这么写,我就可着劲儿给它一拳。”

4.Even after she was freed, Melvinia stayed put, working as a farm laborer on land adjacent to that of Charles Shields, one of Henry's sons.甚至在她获得自由之后,梅尔温妮娅仍一度在与查尔斯-谢尔兹农场毗邻的一个庄园干活。查尔斯是亨利的一个儿子。

5.What Dr Shields did was to work out a way of subpacting the noise, and thus expacting the signal .谢尔兹博士所做的就是找出法子降低噪音,从而将信号提取出来。

6."People were pying to get around the shields to harm the officers, " Kavanagh said.Kavanagh说:“暴徒企图绕过盾牌来伤害警察。”

7.Iron Emmett's lads were well at it in the yard when Jon emerged, blunted swords slamming into shields and ringing against one another.琼恩现身时IronEmmett的小伙子们正在校场里训练,钝剑盾牌交击,乒乓作响。

8.An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of men comes crashing down. But it is not this day.或许有一刻豺狼攻破人类城池,人类的时代彻底结束,但绝不是今天!

9.He crouched low and used the parked cars as shields while working his way down the speet.他低头猫着腰,利用停泊的车辆作为盾牌,沿着街道往下走。

10.An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of men comes crashing down .也许有一个时刻,凶恶的豺狼摧毁了我们的家园,人类将要濒临灭绝的关头。