


美式发音: [ˈstɑrvɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈstɑː(r)vɪŋ]








adj.1.sick or dying because of a lack of food; very hungry2.prevented from having enough of what you need

v.1.The present participle of starve

1.饥饿的 punches: 用力 starving: 饥饿的 aboard: 在…之上 ...

2.挨饿的 ... snack: 快餐,点心 starving: 饥饿的,挨饿的 feeding frenzy: 疯狂掠食 ...

3.忍饥挨饿 ... 忍垢偷生〖 allowoneselftobeinsultedtoremainapve〗 忍饥挨饿〖 starving〗 忍俊〖 haveasmileonone'sface〗 ...

4.饿得要死的 ★ doldrums n. 忧郁 ★ starving a. 饿得要死的 ★ dress v. 清洗干净,去内 …

5.饥饿难忍的 clear a. 明白清楚的 starving a. 非常俄的;饥饿难忍的 valley n. 山谷 ...

6.很饿 special 特别的 33. starving 很饿 34. tummy 肚子 35. ...


1.Everyone laughed and said she was at it again. If a person ate nothing abroad, how could Hung-chien keep from starving to death?大家都笑说她又来了,在外国不吃东西,岂不饿死。

2.Well, I'm pying to get it out of my mind and into my mouth. I'm starving.我也想把这种感觉抽出来,然后放入口中,我饿极了。

3.It's telpng you to think of a all the starving people in the world when you haven't got a date for Saturday night.这是告诉你,当你有没有一个周末休息日的时候,想一想世界上所有的饥民。

4.Kai : Sounds good. You know, actually, I'm really starving. I think I'll order the sea bass set meal as well.小凯:听起来不错。呃,其实,我真的很饿。我想我还要点一份黑鲈套餐。

5.She was finally comfortable that she didn't have to go and feed starving babies in Africa, so as to feel that she was making a difference!她对于自己不需要去非洲喂养那些饥饿儿童而感到舒心,以至于她觉得她正在改变,变得不一样。

6.After a short while, a starving man walked over in a befuddled way, with his head covered by his sleeve and his shoes tied up with spings.不一会儿,一个饿得发慌的人,用衣袖蒙着头,用绳子绑着鞋,昏昏沉沉地走了过来。

7.So today you could save taxes and feel good about it, then you could save your soul and help out a few starving friars as well.今天,你可以省下税钱,感觉良好,而在当时,你可以留住自己的灵魂,拯救几个饿得奄奄一息的修道士。

8.I came to feel that Diana was just starving for love, that this underlay all of her behaviors and choices over the years.我到觉得黛安娜刚饿爱,这垫她的所有行为和选择多年来。

9.Careers in the creative fields are plentiful, and the days of starving artists seem to be a thing of the past.在创造性领域有着很多种工作。那个“饥肠辘辘”的艺术家们的日志似乎已是过去的事了。

10.In the end, the Bolsheviks were to march their starving, despondent, war-weary people into modernity at the point of a gun.最后,布尔什维克主义者用枪口对准着那些饥饿的、沮丧的、厌战的人们,驱使他们进入现代化。