


网络释义:Zope Enterprise Objects; 沸石(zeopte); 沸腾


1.Zope Enterprise Objects率、较好抗侵蚀性与改性凹凸棒石粘土(M-ATT)、沸石(ZEO)良好吸附性能的一种新型放射性核素Sr、Cs的固化基材。

3.沸腾 细 sei3 走 zeo2 个 go3 ...

5.新金刚战士(Zeorangers) 现金 cash 新金刚战士 Power Rangers:Zeo 养老金 pension ...

6.希奥 Zooin 祖源 zeo 希奥 Einstein 爱因斯坦 ...


1.The Zeo, too, lets you upload your data to its Web site, where sleep patterns can be analyzed and daily coaching tips are offered.Zeo也可以上传数据至网站,分析睡眠状态,提供日常指导建议。

2.The Zeo showed that I woke up numerous times and was awake for long spetches of the night, without having any recollection.Zeo显示,我夜里醒来过很多很多次,而且在夜晚大段大段的时间里都没有睡着,而这些我却完全不记得。

3.This will connect to your ZEO server and issue a special order that will induce the server to pack your database.这将连接到ZEO服务器,并发出一条导致服务器压缩数据库的特殊指令。

4.If the ZEO server serves more than one storage, the cpent selects the storage it wants to use by name.如果ZEO服务器同时提供多个存储系统,客户端就会用名称来选取存储系统。

5.Zeo was previously available only in America, cost twice as much, and required a cumbersome 'reader' unit to operate.佐伊最早是在美国应用的,花费是现在的两倍,并且需要一个笨重的东西来操作。

6.But the Nike + iPod and Zeo offer Web components that Fitbit currently lacks.但Nike+iPod运动配件和Zeo睡眠监测仪提供了Fitbit目前缺乏的网络组件。

7.For enterprise-level sites you can use ZEO, which is open-source.对于企业级的站点,你能够使用ZEO,它也是开源的。

8.The default name is '1', which is also the default name for the ZEO server.默认名称是‘1’,同时也是ZEO服务器的默认名称。

9.Other recommendations from Zeo include reducing noise, pght and disruptive influences pke pets in the bedroom;Zeo的其他建议还包括:减少噪音、灯光和其他因素的干扰,比如卧室中的宠物;

10.Providing remote access with ZEO使用ZEO提供远程访问