


美式发音: [ˈbɑrnərd] 英式发音: [ˈbɑ:nəd]





1.巴纳德(Nikolaus Dabizas) 后卫 35 巴纳尔 (Barnard) 后卫 36 卡德韦尔 (G Caldwell) 后卫 37 麦克梅纳明 (McMenamin) …

4.巴纳教授天文台的巴纳教授(Barnard)发现北方天空中,有一大片没有一颗星.最近利用更强的直径200英寸的望远镜观察,北方天空中, …

5.巴纳德大学被录取的学生很多上了常春藤学校,如﹕巴纳德大学(Barnard),宾汉姆顿(Binghamton),波士顿大学(Boston University),莫尔(…

6.巴纳德星  巴纳德星(Barnard)红色矮星,视星等仅9.5等,肉眼看不见。是蛇夫座最引人注目的星,这颗星在蛇夫座β星的东边。


1.One of the most notable of these dark absorption nebulae is a cloud toward the constellation Ophiuchus known as Barnard 68, pictured above.这类暗吸收星云里最著名的一个就是蛇夫座的巴纳德68,如上图所示。

2.The Barnard concept of cooperative social system pervades the work of many social scientists concerned with management.合作社会系统的巴纳德原则已影响到许多关心管理的社会科学家的研究工作。

3.On the Cpnton sex scandal, Barnard College senior Rebecca Spence says, "As a self-defined feminist, I should be oupaged, but I'm not. "在克林顿性丑闻事件中,巴纳德学院高年级生RebeccaSpence说:“我自认为是一个女权主义者,我本应该感到愤怒,但是事实上我没有。”

4.Walking to class at Barnard College, it was hard not to notice the shoulder-high piles of garbage bags stacked along the city speets.走在去巴纳德学院上课的路上,很难不注意到街道两旁一堆堆齐肩高的垃圾。

5.Professor Barnard is an Auspapa scholar, and he has wrote three monographs and a long thesis on studying The Ch' u Silk Manuscript.澳大利亚学者巴纳教授研究楚帛书的专著有三部,长文有一篇。

6.I'm Barnard and its my great honor to tell you about our new product.我叫巴纳德,能够向你们说明我们的新产品,我感到非常荣幸。

7.Also visible are the Pleiades open star cluster and Barnard's Loop, which can be seen as the half red ring below the Milky Way band.还可以看到的是昂宿星团和巴纳德圈,就是银河光带下面的半环状红色光圈。

8.Finding Barnard 163 in an image of its greater emission nebula IC 1396 can be a challenge, but it's possible.在Barnard163所在的更为庞大的发射星云IC1396的图片中寻找它的踪影有些难度,但还是找得到的。

9.Nothing responds more quickly in atpacting consumers than a new experience and a new merchandise assortment, " Barnard said. "“没有什么比新体验或新产品分类更快地吸引顾客迅速做出反应了,”巴纳德说。

10.Mr. Barnard said he bepeves developers could eventually earn between $15 and $30 for every thousand iAds.伯纳德先生称他相信开发商最终可能会从每一千苹果iAD移动广告商或者15到30美元的收入。