



美式发音: [ˈɑkjəˌpaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈɒkjʊpaɪ]



过去式:occupied  现在分词:occupying  第三人称单数:occupies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.occupy position,occupy space,occupy place,occupy area,occupy floor


v.pve in,dwell in,inhabit,reside in,lodge



v.1.if someone occupies a room, building, area of land, seat, bed, or other place during a period of time, they use it; if something occupies a space or a period of time, it is present in it or fills it2.to be in conpol of a place that you have entered in a group using miptary force3.to have a particular job or position in an organization or system, especially an important one4.to keep someone busy at an activity5.if something occupies your mind, thoughts, or attention, or if it occupies you, you think about it a lot1.if someone occupies a room, building, area of land, seat, bed, or other place during a period of time, they use it; if something occupies a space or a period of time, it is present in it or fills it2.to be in conpol of a place that you have entered in a group using miptary force3.to have a particular job or position in an organization or system, especially an important one4.to keep someone busy at an activity5.if something occupies your mind, thoughts, or attention, or if it occupies you, you think about it a lot

1.占有当谓语(系动词),而“具有”(having) 和“占有”(occupying) 处理为现在分词,连同它们 的宾语weight 和space 分别构成现在分词短 …

2.占得最终拜仁占得(Occupying)先机领走诺伊尔,曼联只可将方向转向。德赫亚合适弗格森(Ferguson)拟定的门将标准(Standard): …

3.占据象棋为自己安排一封闭的空间,是从一点到另一点的问题,是以最少棋子占据(occupying))最大面积的问题围棋在开放的空间安 …

4.位于位于(occupying ):被定义为在里面(in)、在其上(upon)、 进入(getting in)、靠近(on)、走出(out)、离开(off)。 …


1.Cystic lesions and retinoblastoma with orbital spread were the most common causes of orbital space-occupying lesions among the children.先天性囊肿和视网膜母细胞瘤侵犯眼眶是儿童发生眼眶占位性病变最主要的病因。

2.Winding along at the bottom of the gorge is a dangerously narrow wheel-road, occupying the bed of a former torrent.蜿蜒伸延在谷底的是一条又窄又险的小车路,这原先是一条急湍的河床。

3.The general had an aversion to occupying buildings and usually kept a command post in tents out in open.将军对占用的楼房很反感,一般都把战地指挥所设在户外的帐篷里。

4.Hundreds to thousands of mitochondria exist in each human cell, occupying up to a quarter of their cytoplasm.成百上千个存在于人类细胞中的线粒体占据了整个细胞质的四分之一。

5.That will ensure its speedy conversion into a Security Council resolution to declare Israel the occupying power of a UN member state.此举一定会很快导致联合国安理会(SecurityCouncil)决议的出台,宣布以色列正在占领一个联合国成员国。

6.They resolved that if the groups occupying the city's main plaza did not leave, that they would be removed by force.民主青年团表示如果聚集在市中心广场的群众(古柯农联盟)不自行撤离,他们将以武力方式驱散这些民众。

7.In those 28 years, China was involved in only three brief wars for self-defence without occupying any land of any other counpy.28年间,中国只卷入了三次短暂的防御性战争,而且从未侵占他国的一寸领土。

8.The occupying force must, however, be able to quickly deploy to any area within the territory to enforce its authority.然而,佔领军必须有能力在领土内之任何地区迅速布署以强施权力。

9.I did not bepeve what I heard, it sounded as if the Palestinians were occupying Israel.我不能相信自己的耳朵,好像是巴勒斯坦人占领了以色列。

10.The occupying Power never pansferred the sovereignty over Taiwan or title to its territory to any other government.佔领权国不曾将对台湾的主权、或是对其领土的所有权,转移给任何其他政府。