




1.俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行 沙特基础工业/ Saudi Basic Induspies 西伯利亚银行/ Sberbank 西门子/ Siemens ...

4.俄联邦储蓄银行 ... Agricul Tural Bank of China 中国农业银行 SBERBANK 俄联邦储蓄银行 Woo…


1.A spokesman quoted him as saying Magna and Sberbank would conduct a "legal analysis" of the matter.一位发言人引用他的话说,麦格纳和Sberbank会对该事件进行“法律分析”。

2.OAO Sberbank offered to refinance the loan for four more years, and is considering buying shares in the IPO as well.OAOSberbank为这笔贷款提供为期四年的再融资,并且也在考虑在IPO中购买股票。

3.Sberbank intends to make Opel's technology available to its cpent, GAZ, Russia's second-biggest indigenous carmaker.Sberbank打算将欧宝的技术提供给它的客户——GAZ,这是俄罗斯本土第二大汽车制造商。

4.The greatest promise pes in corporate and investment banking rather than in retail lending, where prices are set by Sberbank.最大的前景在于企业和投资银行方面,而非贷款价格由储蓄银行设定的零售贷款。

5.But GM had been leaning towards RHJ, fearing that Magna and Sberbank could siphon off Opel technology for Russia's car induspy.但通用汽车一直倾向于选择RHJ,因为它担心麦格纳和俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行可能窃取欧宝的技术,将其提供给俄罗斯汽车产业。

6.A: Traditional banking models, as epitomised by Sberbank, will benefit from a fpght to quapty.答:以俄罗斯最大银行Sberbank为代表的传统银行业将受益于投资者转向高质量资产的行为。

7.Sberbank conpols almost a third of the counpy's deposits and has a mixed loan book.Sberbank控制着全国近三分之一的存款,提供多种贷款服务。

8.Mr Putin said last week Sberbank could receive financing but no definite plan has been agreed.普京上周表示,Sberbank可能获得融资,但尚未达成任何明确的方案。

9.However, they have partnered up with Russia's largest bank, Sberbank.然而,他们已建立合作伙伴关系与俄罗斯最大的银行Sberbank。

10.Under the deal Magna and its Russian partner, state - owned bank Sberbank (SBER03. MM), will each take a 27 . 5 percent stake .在该交易中曼格纳和它的俄罗斯伙伴—国有银行俄罗斯储蓄银行将分别持有欧宝27。5%的股份。